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Louis' P.O.V

I rub my hands up and down their soft pale skin. I attach my lips to the soft skin on their neck. Soft purrs emit from the person as I wrap my arms around their frail body, and kiss up to this unknown persons lips. They're beautiful.

"Louis." The person sighed innocently into my mouth and I swear I've never loved the way it sounded coming off anyone's lips ever. I opened my eyes and saw Harry. Harry.

I jolt awake, breathing heavily and frantically. I look around and see I'm in a dark room. My room. I sigh in relief and a bit of worry. I lay back down on my slightly sweaty pillow. Why would I be dreaming about Harry in such a way? I had only just met and him and I don't like boys. I came to a conclusion that it was my hormones, and he looked so girly, he just appeared in my mind like that. Yeah, that's it. I closed my eyes and tried to think about anything else other than him.

Next Day...

Harry's P.O.V

He's invading my mind and taking over my thoughts. All I could think about is Louis. The way he touched me last night. It made butterflies swarm in my stomach. His fingers were rough, but light the way they skimmed over my skin. And the flower crown. That was so sweet.

"Haz?" Zayn's voice snapped me out my daydreams.


"Are you gonna eat your cereal." He asked raising an eyebrow. I looked down at my frosted flakes which were now soggy from sitting in a bowl of milk.

"Are you okay?" He asked putting a hand on my back.

"Yeah." I lied as I began to eat the gooey cereal.

I walked into school, and surprisingly I felt a bit confident wearing something Louis....or his sister made. I know it's ridiculous, but I feel sort of...special.

"Let's get to class." He said walking with me to my locker. I fixed my crown on my head before grabbing my books out my locker. I quickly walked to my next class, trying to avoid getting beat up again. My eye was tinted purple from the last beating, but it's not as bad as I thought. The bruises and my throat still hurt, but it's like Louis made me forget about the pain. We sat down in our assigned desk, which luckily was next to Zayn. As the teacher talked about algorithms and other boring things I already knew, I kept thinking about him. I don't know how I never noticed him before.

"Haz!" Zayn whispered, kicking my leg lightly.


"Mr. Styles, I asked you a question. You obviously have not been been paying attention. What's so interesting that you can't pay attention?"

"Dick." Somebody snorted and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Shut the hell up!" Zayn snapped at them.

"If we can have no more interruptions, I'd like to finish the lesson." He said pointing to the problem before we currently doing. The rest of class was boring. I tried to hide my excitement for the next class in front of Zayn. This was the class where we worked on the music project. I rubbed my clammy hands on my pants as we entered the classroom. People were already talking to their partners. Some had instruments or were singing. I spotted Louis looking perfect as always sitting at his desk, tapping his fingers on the wood.

Louis' P.O.V

I nervously tapped my fingers on my desk. Why I am so nervous? Maybe because you had a perverted dream about him my subconscious adds. He shuffled over to my desk with Zayn who confidently strides over. My heart skips a beat when I see he's wearing my flower crown.

"Hi Louis." He mumbles looking at me with innocent green eyes.

"Hey Harold." I teased.

"It's not Harold." He had a small smile on his face.

"Of course it's not." I said tickling stretching to tuck a loose curl behind his ear. He leaned into my touch, his cheeks turning pink. Zayn cleared his throat loudly and I quickly pulled away. I felt my face grow hot and Harry's face turned red (but he was still smiling like an idiot).

"Um what are you doing?" He asked squinting his eyes at me and protectively putting an arm around his waist.

"I-I don't know, there was a loose curl and...can we just work on the project?" I groaned slapping a hand over my face in embarrassment. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm glad nobody saw that, they were to engrossed in themselves to pay attention to anything else.

"Okay, I guess. So what's first? I forgot my paper." Zayn explained. I read over the syllabus as they took a seat next to me.

"So this is due in a few weeks. Basically, somebody has to sing and everybody else has to play an instrument." I stated.

"You should sing Haz. You have a nice voice." I heard Zayn say.

"No I don't." He mumbled back.

"Come on, please."

"Fine, but not here." He complied with his begging.

"Okay, and can't you play piano?" Zayn said turning to me.

"Yeah, I'll play. And you play guitar." I suggested.

"You play piano?" Harry asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah a little bit."

"That's so cool."

"Maybe one day I can teach you."

"Yeah, that'd be nice." He smiled showing his dimples. He had a nice smile.

"Oh my god! Sorry I'm late!" A loud high pitched voice said in my ear. Jessica. She planted her big glossy lips on mine as she practically made out with my face. When she let go, I knew I had her lipgloss on my face. She was wearing a ridiculous amount of make up as always, a too tight crop top, and really tight jeans. Since when did I criticize my girlfriends clothing? I caught Harry's face in the corner of my eye and he was looking at his feet.

"Hi Z! Who's this again?" She said pointing a manicured finger at Harry.

"That's Harry." A smile automatically appeared on my lips, but I tried to hide it. He lifted up his head and he gave her a small smile.

"What happened to your face?" She said in disgust. I saw his lip tremble, but he looked away.

"His face looks fine." I defended. More than fine. Stunning. Those few scratches mean nothing.

"I'm just saying. You think he's heard of a brush." She rudely remarked.

"Shut up." Zayn snapped her. Good.

"Excuse me! Z why would you even say that to me? I'm just trying to understand why you ever hang out with her?" She said to spite him.

"Will you stop insulting him? He looks fine and stop being rude. You're obviously upsetting him..." I sighed glaring at her. She was annoying me.

"Why do you even care? Forget it." She huffed walking away.

"I'm really sorry for what she said to you." I said looking at Harry. He shrugged walking out the classroom, Zayn following.

"Go to your next classes!" The teacher yelled.

I think I might upload chapter 1 today. Yay. I'm watching Furious 6. It's so good.


Flower CrownsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora