chapter 2

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   " You left your serpressents at the town on the counter right dog?" The driver of the van spoke quite harshly, but that was only because his voice was a bit raspy.

" It's izuku… but yes sir…" the mixed breed said from his tied down box that had to be brought with him since he refused to leave it so it wouldn't get left behind.

" I'm sorry kid but I'm only allowed to call you dog or kid… company policy you see…" the man sighed " the doctors, scientists and the other canines can call you by your name"

" You are nicer than I thought you would be.." izuku said as he sat up from the box

" Heh, I try to be kid…" he pulled into a restaurants parking lot. " We got an hour before we get to the place you want some meat, kid? I'll give you some advice you should follow as you eat about that place. How's that sound?"

" Yes please sir! I'm quite hungry. I kinda forgot to eat before you came… " izuku said with a squeak

" All right he said opening the door and opening izuku's side door " they let all kinds of canines in this place but you gotta shift so they know what type of meats and things is safe for ya alright?"

" Oh ok but once I get my food I can shift back if I want right? " Izu whined as he shifted into his dog form. Which was a medium sized dog that looked like a tiny wolf with the patterning of his pelt but with long smooth grey, white and black fur with splashes of forest green that blended in nicely with the other colors on his pelt. One of his ears was folded down at an angle, while the other stood up straight.

" Yeah this is one of the only places I know of that does allow this  however" the driver said with a gentle smile on his face.

Once they entered the restaurant one of the hostesses weighed and measured izuku.

" Do you like steak Mr mix breed?" A waiter asked izuku as they were seated

" Yes please!" Izuku said, leaping up and placing his front paws onto the table.

" Ok then! Here's your steak themed menu for you sir your usual the Italian menu"

" Thanks Tai" the kind driver said to the waiter

" So you two got any drinks in mind" the waiter says, getting his notebook out and placing more weight on one of his legs over the other.

" Normal limeade for me this time," Izuku's driver says, not even looking at the menu.

" Got anything strawberry flavored?" Izuku chirped

  " We got strawberry lemonades, pup shakes, sodas , and even lactose free milk, " the waiter says with a smile

" Can I get a strawberry pup shake? I've never had one of those before" Izuku questioned his driver.

" Sure kid get anything you want cause you might never get to eat like this again… well unless you somehow manage to become your pack leaders favorite" the raspy voiced man replied

" Oh ok" Izuku said with a whine

" So we got a large limeade and a large strawberry pup shake," the waiter says, writing the orders down " those will be here in a moment. Oh and pup feel free to shift back now"

" Oh thanks!" Izuku said, shifting back to his human form.

After a while they got their drinks and ordered their food. Izuku had ordered steak katsudon and his driver had ordered some shrimp Alfredo.

  " Ok kid, once you enter that place you will be placed in a pack. The packs are filled with alphas and omegas. Each pack has platoons, some with alphas and omegas that have become mates by set up" the driver started out. " You are gonna be placed in a platoon without an omega. All I can say to help you is become a close ally of your chief and trust your instincts they will never steer you wrong."

" I understand " Izuku said nodding before allowing his driver to go on

" And last thing if you somehow go Into heat before we get there don't worry they never let a new canine go in for the the first time if they are scheduled for a heat for the first two days you are there"

" Ok good I'm was supposed to take my suppressants today since my heat starts later today" izuku said a small blush crossing the young omegas face

After talking about a couple of rules and giving izuku advice they finished up the drive to the facility. but before Izuku managed to enter the building the young canine's body started to heat up and his stomach started cramping. His heat had started and the driver carried him in and laid him on an examination table where everything went black.

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