chapter 10

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The group of canine-like people known as platoon one woke up in a type of cell like room with no windows and a heavy steel door along with a bathroom another for leading to a cafeteria type place. That lead to more rooms

" W-where are we?" Izuku said in a bit of panic.

" Try and calm down Izu. This is the place we were telling you about" Bakugou said, wrapping his body around the shaking omega. Releasing his caramel and green apple scent in attempts to soothe him.

" I can't! this is the place y'all told me that canines get picked to be tortured! What if you guys or I get taken for whatever the sort of pain they have for us!" Izuku replied as his breathing became labored.

The alphas looked at each other before all of them minus Bakugou started to gather nesting supplies from the closet. Then they placed it all in front of izuku and bakugou.

" Make yourself a nest Izu…" Shinsou said calmly " it will help you calm down"

Izuku nodded before taking the blankets and pillows, moving out of Bakugou's hold ,causing the blonde alpha to whine, and moved to a corner to start making the nest for himself and his platoon.

" Calm yourself Katsuki, He's just making us a nest. Give him some time to finish then he might let you hold him again in the nest once he's done." Shoto said, circling the platoon leader before laying his head on Bakugou's lap.

" I hate it when you're right." Bakugou replied with a smile as he watched Izuku  make the nest.

Izuku had chosen the corner with the heater that this facility was required by law to have and made the nest in front of it. He placed some of the pillows down first in a large circle to make the base. Then he put the softest of the blankets over the pillows and padded it down. He then used the rest of the pillows to line the edges of the base and covered that with the largest blanket over the whole thing making it look like a giant dog bed. Once he was done he moved to his alphas and began to nudge them to the nest.

" I think he wants us to scent the nest." Kirishima said before asking Izuku to confirm his thoughts. " Is that right Izu?"

" Please!" Izuku responded before continuing to nose his alphas to the nest.

" Alright! Let's go scent the nest boys!" Bakugou said before he and the other alphas began to gently scent the nest before they all curled up into it and rested for a while.

canine facility ( Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz