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[A/N Hey guys, Chris here. I had made like a soundtrack for this book so i'll link it at the end of this chapter. Just thought it was neat, as well as some songs unofficially tying into the actual story. I wont mention them being played because i wouldn't think shit like the smashing pumpkins exists in a D&D world, but songs songs fit well over scenes so its up to the reader to apply whatever song to whatever scene just for whatever, anyways this is getting long, peace out sharties love u bye - Chris 😻]

{Crowven's POV}

We finish surveying the town from the balcony and start to scale down. "We're going to have to be careful as to not get caught, since i don't exactly feeling like making the dungeon my place of residence my first day here." I think and chuckle to myself. We finish scaling down the palace and climb on top of the city wall. We'll follow the guardsmen's walkway to the first section of town. Sanguine shapeshifts us to match the appearance of the guards so that we wont get caught.

Thankfully there aren't too much guards on this patrol route tonight. We scale down the wall and land infront of a tavern. We can hear muffled music coming from the inside. Sanguine looks interested in the place and says enthusiastically "Well? Why dont we go in, check it out, get our footing, grab a couple of drinks... -and chicks! Am i right?" I smile and exclaim "Goddamn Sanguine, i like the way you think my friend!"

And with that, we enter the tavern and lay our eyes on any mans dream: dancing chicks, mead flagons threatening to spill, bar fights, and good food! We all look at each other and join the party, me and Jroskalduk order mead for the three of us, while Sanguine has taken to a few of the dancers. We order some grub and yell for Sanguine to come over. "Put a lid on it Blondie, i'll be there in a second!" He exclaims from across the room, i could barely make it out from all the partying. Jroskalduk goes off to play darts and i order a few more rounds of mead and go to the lively side of the party.

Theres a mini stage where a well known band, The Deities Leisure was playing! I've been wanting to see them ever since i was little. I accidentally bump into this one waitress serving drinks and apologize, she gives me a smirk and i felt something being tugged at my waist and realize my coin purse was gone.. that bitch! She disappears in the crowd and i try to find her. I let Sanguine and Jroskalduk know and we see someone run out on the tavern. We chase after them and climb onto the roofs. I hear her yell from a building over "Catch me if you can, Handsome!" I always like a challenge.

We dash across a few rooftops and climb over a city wall or two and we were gaining on her. With a few well placed leaps and fancy footwork i manage to fully catch up with her and tackle her. As i managed to throw myself and catch her, i lost my balance and a tile broke, causing us to fall off the roof due to the momentum. And as we were falling i quickly grab my coin purse as we, surprisingly enough, land glamorously in a nearby haystack near the stables.

"The dashing rogue finally caught me it seems" she chuckles sarcastically with a slight smirk. "It seems he has." I laugh. I get up and offer her my hand. "Lovely night out for a chase is it not?" She asks "I was just thinking the same thing, Ms..?" "Salentina. Salen for short" she adds. "Pleasure to meet you Salen.. especially like this.. Crowven." I trail off. "The pleasures all mine. We should head back to the tavern though." She ends. Sanguine finally catches up with Jroskalduk.

"What in the 7 wonders of hell happened mortal?" Jroskalduk asks "I think Salen here just wanted an excuse to talk to someone as amazing as i am" i chuckle sarcastically. "As if, barn boy." Salen adds. Sanguine and Jroskal roll their eyes and we head back to the tavern.

And with that, Salentina joins the ragtag band of Thieves and otherworldly beings.

We order a few more drinks and afterwards get a room for the night. They aren't exactly luxurious but they are comfortable. I set my stuff down and take off my Armor. I prop Alkrogzun up against the wall and put my armor on a stand. Jroskalduk goes into Alkrogzun. "By the way Mortal, inside Alkrogzun is a pocket plane that can shift to whatever i wish it to be, meaning that i, conveniently enough, have no need for a bed." He goes on. "Convenient as hell if you ask me!" I chuckle. Sanguine shifts into a cat, a very drunk one at that, and abruptly, passes out. I climb into bed and drift off soon enough. Thinking about what scandals we'll get up to tomorrow.

(Btw heres the playlist shartie baes 😻)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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