Hiking disaster (Larry)

Start from the beginning

30 minutes later and the ambulance arrived, they put Louis in first and gave him some medicine. Then Harry tried to stand up but couldn't because his ankle hurt too much, one of the medics helped him in and put a temporary cast on his ankle.

They arrived at the hospital. Louis was wheeled to a room, he got some better meds and an IV cause he was dehydrated. Harry had to get his ankle checked up. "Your ankle is almost but not broken, so I'll put a cast on it and it should heal in one or two weeks" Harry's doctor said to him. Harry had to stay in the hospital too this night because he was also very dehydrated, he had forgot to drink water himself when he only thought of his boyfriend. So harry got an IV too.

Louis and Harry got to stay in the same room. Harry took out his phone to text his friends.

Harry: hey.

Liam : where the hell have you two been?? A hiking trip shouldn't be this long...

Harry: we're in a hospital.

Niall: what the heck guys? Are you okay?

Zayn: what happened?

Harry: well, it all started with Louis, he got very ill, then our map flew away due to the wind, and we got lost, then I tried to get help but on my way I fell off a cliff, not a big one tho, but I managed to get back up and Louis was so sick so I decided to call an ambulance cause otherwise we would still be lost.

Liam: oh my god...

Niall: how's Louis?

Harry: he's sleeping now, he got some meds and treatment. Oh yeah, and my ankle is almost broken.

Zayn: damn, maybe hiking wasn't meant for you two.

Harry: well we have to stay overnight here so, see ya tomorrow!

The next day Harry woke up, he looked at Louis and could already see that he was doing better. Harry jumped off his own bed and went to Louis'. He cuddled him a little and he woke up, "hey how are you?" Harry asked, "I feel better than yesterday...but not so good yet" Louis said, he still had a little lack of energy.

"How's your ankle?" Louis asked, "it's okay, I got some painkillers, but shh you should rest now" Harry said as he run his hand through Louis' hair and Louis nodded, closing his eyes and almost immediately fell asleep.

A doctor came in, she glooked at the two boys cuddling and thought it was cute, then she cleared her throat and said "Harry, you're free to go but make sure to rest your ankle and Louis, I'm afraid you had a pretty bad infection in your stomach, it wasn't too bad, and it's getting better, but we will have to keep you here one day more". "I can't go anywhere without my baby, if he stsys, I stay" Harry said stubbornly. "Fine then" the doctor said because she didn't have the heart separate them. The doctor left.

After an hour someone knocked on the door. "Come in" Harry shouted. "Hii how are you guys" Niall said, "shh, Lou is sleeping" Harry said, "oh sorry" Niall replied. Harry went to hug them, they missed each other even tho it had just been one day. They chatted a while.

Louis woke up, "oh hey, what are you guys doing here?" He asked, "we wanted to come see how you are feeling" Liam said. "Oh I'm feeling much better, I still am tired and have a pretty bad headache but that's all" Louis said, "that's good news...I think" Zayn said with a small smile.

"How's your ankle Harry?" Liam asked, "well it hurts pretty bad but atm it doesn't cuz they gave me a lot of painkillers" Harry replied. "When are you coming home?" Niall asked curiously, "tomorrow" Harry said.

The other boys brought food so they all had fun eating and chatting together.

The next day Harry and Louis got home, both of them aas told to rest. They went straight to bed and cuddled. Harry got crutches he had to use two weeks and Louis got better day by day.

Harry's ankle was so good already a week later so he threw away the crutches, he couldn't jump, run or dance yet but everything else. And Louis was back to normal again.

So after their one week break everything started to go back to normal again.


Sorry, again, not so good ending. Maybe I edit this some day but for now it's like this and I really hope you guys like it at least a little bit <3.

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