Chapter 1: The Prologue

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In a land riddled with obelisks of sand, and grasping dunes, there were two armies that fought for two different causes, one for freedom, one for control. These armies were led by two men of different ideologies, one named Alphirama Shejuna, and the other named Fumi Yagai. Their two villages contrast, Alphirama's village was controlled by dictatorship, while Fumi's was controlled by democracy. People from Alphirama's village traveled across dunes to reside in Fumi's village, they were tired of Alphirama's control, and plotted a war. When the day came the two armies confronted each other, and then the first blade was swung. For weeks the dunes were raging with war, bodies were covering the dunes and only two stood alive. Alphirama and Fumi, both heavily injured, and then they spoke.

"Well, looks like our armies are dead, so we can go all out, can't we?" Alphirama stated.

"Well, I guess we can." Fumi responded.

Then from both villages an intense Trinco energy could be felt cracking reality, within a blink dunes were atomized without a trace within one hit, but Alphirama could handle these atomizing punches. But after the battle labeled The War of Lights, Alphirama killed Fumi.

Fumi's last words were "Freedom will prevail, like light piercing through the darkness."

With that Fumi was dead. The war was won, democracy was no-more while dictatorship was the new world 'choice', Alphirama's village expanded and took Fumi's village. Changing it into one, and after years, Aphirama died instead of being buried in the sand like Fumi, he was buried in a tomb with riches and all. But his dynasty continued, after years and years of rulers on rulers, our protagonist was born in the horde of citizens, Takara Takenaka.

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