Chapter 7

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September 19th, 2022

Last night my dream came true. Scoring in my national team debut? Crazy.  

I went on my phone and watched all the interviews that I did with the press last night, and i looked and sounded really stupid but whatever. 

After that, Ashley still wasn't awake, so I went over to her bed to wake her up for breakfast. 

"Good morning sunshine!" I said, ripping the covers off her. 

"Hey!" She yawned. "I'm not done sleeping yet." 

"Yes you are." 

"No I'm not." She pulled the covers back up. 

"Fine." I pretended like I was leaving, playing with the door handle and everything. Then I made a run for her bed, and started jumping on it. 

"Jade! What....the....heck?" She said as she was being thrown around on her bed. 

"Wake up!" 

"Okay I'm up!" Ashley stood up and started jumping with me, and eventually I got tired so I laid down, and she did the same. 

"You're cute." I said. We were breathing the same air, our noses almost touching. 

"You're cuter." 

"You're the cutest." 

After that, we were quiet for a few seconds. 

"Wanna go get breakfast?" She asked. 

"Sure." I said. 

I just thought about that moment the entire breakfast. I also couldn't stop watching Trinity giggle as she texted someone, who I assumed was my brother. 

My dad texted me and asked if I would want to go get dinner with everyone tonight, including my cousins and aunt and uncle who flew in super early this morning. I said I would and almost immediately regretted it. 

We got on the bus and went to the fields for practice, and after I just went to hang out with Ash in our room until I had to leave. 

"Should I wear this?" I held up a dress for Ashley to see. "Or should I wear this one?" 

"Definitely the first one." She said. 

"Do I need more mascara?" 

"No. You look beautiful." 

"Thanks." I blushed, and then went into the bathroom to put on the dress and put on lip gloss. 

"Hey Jade? I think you should wear these shoes. Wait, never mind. They'll make you taller than me." 

I laughed, and walked out of the bathroom. 

"These are REALLY high heels." Ashley had put them on, and was just wobbling, and I was just waiting for her to fall over. 

"They're only 3 inches" I laughed. 

"Well I-" She started to fall over, and I caught her. 

"Careful, girlfriend." 

"Thanks. Um, your dress is...." 

"Oops." I said, just then noticing that my dress had slid down my arms and almost completely off. "I was gonna ask you to zip it." 

"I still will." She stepped out of the shoes, holding my arm firmly. 

"Thanks." I adjusted my dress again, moved my hair, and she zipped it. 

"There you go." Said Ashley. "You look so pretty." 

"Thanks. Do you think you could help me with this necklace too?" I asked. 

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