Chapter 6

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September 18th, 2022

First cap, first goal.

I was the first person to do that since Morgana, which isn't that impressive considering she did it in April of this year. But everyone was so happy for me. 

Everyone signed the ball I scored with, and they gave it to me in the locker room after we all signed autographs and whatever. 

I went to find my family after our team talk, and they were all waiting on the edge of the stands for me. 

I sprinted to them, and I reached over to pick up Kaden. He gave me a huge hug. There were a few photographers around that took pictures of us, and then the social media admin came over to us to take a family picture. 

"First game first goal!" My sister Danielle said. She had made a poster for me, which was super sweet. 

They were all wearing Houston Dash jerseys with my name on it because obviously this was my first cap for the national team. 

"Can I go meet your new teammates?" He asked. 

"Not tonight. Sorry bud. This is different than a Dash game." I said. 

"Why aren't you on Dash anymore?" 

"I am. This is a special team. But I'll be back with them soon." I told him. "Hey Ashley! Come here! This is my family." 

She came jogging over with the biggest smile on her face ever. "Hi! I'm Ashley Sanchez." 

"Hi Ashley!" Kaden said. 

"You must be Kaden." She smiled, and gave him a high five. "I've heard so much about you! And you must be Danielle, and you're Joey. And you're Mr. Bailey of course. You raised a legend. She's the coolest ever." 

"She gets that from her mom." My dad said. 

"Excuse me? Ashley? Can I get a picture with you?" Danielle asked. 

"Of course!" 

I put Kaden back over the ledge, and we both climbed over to get closer. 

"You're just a mini Jade." Ashley laughed. "Except you've got blonder hair." 

"I get that a lot." She replied. 

I took a picture of them using Dani's phone, then my dad took a picture of me with both of them. 

Then I gave my brother a hug, and then my dad. 

"I'm so, so proud of you." My dad said. "You'd never believe it." 

"Thanks dad." I said. 

"Me too." Said Joey. 

"Thanks dude." I said. "Your time is coming. I promise." 

"Yo what's going on? A family reunion?" Trinity ran over to us. 

"THAT'S TRINITY RODMAN!" Danielle screamed. 

"That's me." 

"Trinity, this is my dad, my twin brother Joey, little brother Kaden and my sister Danielle." 

"Nice to meet you all." She shook hands with my dad and brother. Then she jumped over the side to be with us. 

"This is so cool." My sister said. 

"You play soccer?" She asked Dani. 


"Well you've got a good roll model right here." 

"I think she looks up to you more than she does to me." I laughed. 

"Listen. You take this." She took off her jersey and gave it to Danielle. "And promise me you'll pay attention to her. Her work ethic is so good. And she works so hard all the time. You've got a cool sister here." 

"Remember I said it first!" Ashley said. 

Trinity signed the jersey for my sister, took a picture with her and then we all went to go sign autographs for other people. 

"That your family?" Morgana asked me. 


"Is that Trinity over there talking to a family member?" 

I turned to look. "Yep. That's my brother. You think he's flirting with her?" 

"Pretty sure she's into him. She said something to me after she left you guys." 

"Oh great." 

"Is that your little brother?" She asked. 


"He's adorable. How old?" 

"He's 6." 

"I should set him up with my niece. She's about to be 5." She joked. 

"Hey, that's my baby brother you're talking about." I laughed. 

"Does your sister want you to come over?" She asked, pointing in her direction, where she was waving.

"Maybe." I said. "Do you want to come with me? She'd probably go insane. You don't have to if you don't want." 

"I will. She's probably got the cutest accent ever!" 

"You really love accents don't you?" I laughed. 



Back in the locker room about an hour later, we cheered about a sold out crowd before the team gave me the ball I scored my first goal with. 

Ashley sat next to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a hug. There were about a million cameras filming this for a 'Behind The Crest' YouTube video too, so I hoped I didn't look as tired as I felt. 

Everyone cheered, and Becky Sauerbrunn gave a little speech before everyone headed to the bus. 

"I saw you talking to my brother earlier." I said to Trinity on the walk out. 

"I was." 

"Did you get his number?" 

"I did." 

"Be careful." 


"He's broken a few good hearts unfortunately." I sighed. 

"I;m not surprised. He's-" 

"Don't finish that statement please." I said. "Also if you break his heart I'm gonna have to beat you up." I laughed. 

"I'm so scared!" She said sarcastically, making me laugh again. 

"I'm just playing with you. But be careful. He's a tough one." 

"And you better be careful with that one."She pointed to Ashley. 


She winked, and then got on the bus, leaving me confused. 

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