And now next stop is daiki's place she said she just needs to tell the owner she gonna be late and just stay at maiko's house before their meeting starts.

She already told about being abandoned and raised in a brothel by the owner and the employees there.

We arrived and me and daiki went in with boxes of sweets in my arms, maiko decided to stay in the car.

" I'm home!!"

" Welcome back daiki" a middle aged man welcomed her.

" Hey um daiki can you here for a sec"

*Sigh* " fine , give me a minute mitchy" I just nodded and then she left.

" So are you one of daiki's friends?" The man asked.

Yes sir I'm hanagaki Takemichi" I bowed.

" Well aren't you polite I'm the owner of this brothel."

" Oh are you the one who took in daiki?" He nodded.

" Um can you call your employees here who helped raise her I just wanna give something if that's alright." He seemed confused but complied.

After five minutes alot of girls showed up.

" Hey boss who's this a special customer?" One of them asked.

" No one of daiki's friends"

" Woah he's hot "
" He's tall too"

" Um well I asked for you all to come here because I wanted to give you all these."


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