Meanwhile no POV
Before the explosion she heard

People were just going about their day, just then at a casino an explosion blew up the doors and people ran away screaming

A giant figure ran through the smoke, one that made himself look a bit like a monster

" a villain!"

"Run away!"

He had someone on his back, he laughed maliciously, next to him with a bunch of money bags " ten million dollars! No ones ever pulled of a heist like this! Hahaha!"

" in front!" The big villain announced the other villain grit his teeth to see the police Along with two other hero's, dragon kid and sky high

" your crime spree ends now!" He yelled, he created blasts of winds and a giant spiraling ball of wind, the villain grunted from the pressure as his partner held on tight

" now dragon kid!" Who got ready to attack

"Go ahead and try to stop us!" The guy then shot a rocket gauntlet he wore around his wrist and fired at a billboard above them, the two hero's barely got out of the way right as dragon kid was about to land a strike, the big guy jump into the air over the raging, on the other side of the flames

as the villains were about to land, there were cars at the bottom, along with people inside or standing in the street after exiting they're vehicles

"Don't stop! Just crush them!"

The citizens screamed at the incoming villain, however someone power pumped in front of them and super punched him with a force so strong, it sent him flying back

The crowd looked towards the stranger who entered the raging street "Fear not citizens, Everything is fine" they assured

And turned with a reassuring smile to reveal, Sarah in costume "Your safe Cause I am here"

They gasped happily and even some began cheering

The small villain got back up " reallly?! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?" He yelled looking up at her

" a new hero, from out of town, Who just happened to be passing see the mess and innocent people your involved in this thoughtless violence..." she narrowed her eyes, he started laughing " i send you back home in a coffin if they find your remains!" He shot rockets from his gauntlet

She crossed her arms and swung them the force from the speed, pushed them upwards, and the strong impact caused them to blow up mid air

" I'm sorry you were" she looked up to see them gone and see them scaling the rooftops to get away from her " running away already?"

Just then a red vihicle jumped up from before, with someone in front "You got a head of yourself Again!"  The male yelled as the landed and pulled over to her "Follow them Pierce" Sarah jumped in

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Just then a red vihicle jumped up from before, with someone in front "You got a head of yourself Again!" The male yelled as the landed and pulled over to her "Follow them Pierce" Sarah jumped in

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