House of Presents

Start from the beginning

Eddie then grabs my arm and pulls towards KT who is standing by her locker. Eddie takes hold of her.

Eddie"KT? I know I'm not stalking you, okay? But I really need your help right now, okay?Please, let's just go over here classroom"

He pulls her back into Miss Denby's classroom, which is empty now, thank god.

Eddie"Okay, if you were a girl"

Yeah great start Eddie.

Charlie" She is a girl Eddie"

Eddie"I mean, you are a girl, say you had to write a letter dumping a boy—"

KT"I wouldn't, Kinda have to do that thing face to face."

Eddie"Yeah, I know. Say you couldn't—"

KT"Then I'd call."

Eddie"Okay, say you didn't have a phone,"

KT and I exchange looks.

Eddie"Right, who doesn't have a phone. Anyway, the point is what would you say to a boy to break up with him?"

KT thinks.

KT" Well Okay "Um...we're not compatible."

As she starts listening them off Eddie begins writing them down on his phone.

KT"I don't have time for a relationship right now. I think we should be just friends. Oh, I love you, but I'm not in love with you. And the classic: it's not you, it's me."

Charlie"Thanks KT you have been a huge help"

KT" You are welcome"

Charlie" I apologise for my brothers behaviour"

KT" It's okay, don't worry, honestly, you two are siblings?"

Charlie" Yeah, twins actually, you wouldn't know it though to look at us, my name is Charlie, I just want to say we can't wait to have you at Anubis House"

KT" Awww, that's sweet, thank you"

When she is gone, Eddie is still busy typing things down on his phone. Jerome then pops up like he does by the door.

Jerome" Still determined to write a letter from a girl's perspective. I wonder why that could be. And who could she be writing to? A lovesick British boy, perhaps."

Eddie "Out of my way, Jerry."

I go to follow and Jerome grabs my hand.

Jerome" Not so fast Miller, are you going to tell me what's going on, why you have hardly spoken to me since we got here and that your brother is trying to write a letter from a girls perspective"

Charlie" I can't tell you, though I think you already know"

Jerome" I have some idea yeah"

Charlie" Look, please just don't say anything, for me, look I'll see you later, i have to check on my brother"

I hurry back to the house and get caught by Victor.

Victor" WALK, DON'T RUN"

Charlie" Sorry Victor"

I charge into Eddie's room. He looks up, I am out of breath.

Eddie" Are you okay sis?"

I chuck my satchel off and then sit down on the bed.

Charlie" I think Jerome knows what's going on?"

Eddie" Oh, did you tell him, sis"

Charlie" No I didn't tell him, he is crafty, he has figured it out, what have you got so far?"

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