House of Presents

Start from the beginning

KT raises her hand.

Miss Denby "Welcome. Do you want to tell the class a little bit about yourself?"

Kt" Okay, sure"

She then stands up.

KT"Okay, Um, I'm KT. That's short for Kara Tatiana. Blame my parents for that one. Um, I'm from the states."

Patricia"Oh, we never would have guessed"

Eddie and me both roll our eyes as Joy shushes Patricia. I can see KT has heard it and she looks down.

KT"Pennsylvania and I'm here on a scholarship, and I'm really excited about this place. Oh, and I move into Anubis House later today."

Miss Denby"Thank you, KT, so, continuing on the theme of 'who am I?' I thought our first project together could be about family trees."

Charlie" That should be interesting perhaps we will find other relatives we didn't know we had"

Eddie" I suppose, I've think I've had enough of secret relatives, I'm okay with you and dad"

Charlie" Awww, Eddie"

Our fingers connect. We then look to see KT digging through her bag, I try to make it seem like I am not looking, Eddie however is not as subtle.

Eddie"Oh, um, do you...have a sick grandfather, If you do, did he leave you a key?"

I mentally face palm. He did no just say what I think he said.

KT"Are you sure you're okay?"

After the lesson has ended everyone is packing up, KT is the first to leave for obvious reasons and Eddie and I are the last to leave, I feel nervous as we pass Miss Denby, I don't look at her but I know she is watching us leave. When we are standing by the lockers, I slap Eddie's arm.

Eddie" Ow, what was that for?"

Charlie" For being a creep, Eddie, that was weird"

Eddie" What you were looking too"

Charlie" Yeah but I was a bit more subtle about it, you literally full on jumped in her face"

Eddie" But it is her from our vision"

Charlie" I know but you can't do that"

We then hear Amber's voice from the lounge room, her voice travels. My twin and me stand listening in as to what is being said.

Amber"Congratulations, you've officially creeped her out."

Amber then slaps papers in mine and Eddie's chests.

Amber" Okay, so all the items on this list can still be bought in town"

I raise my eyebrow at Eddie, we both sharing the same thought, that I was not going into town mainly because I have got her something it's just back at the house. Fabian's got his laptop open in front of him.

Fabian"She's messaged me! Nina!"

Amber"What'd she say? Is she okay?"

Fabian"She says all is explained in the letter."

I share a wide eye glance accompanied with a bitten lip. Eddie needs to find that letter.

Amber"What letter?"

Fabian"Well, I don't know,"

Patricia"Well, ask her"

Fabian" She says ask The Twins, where are they?"

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