Sleepover at yours

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Max sat on your bed, still sniffling as you had a wash cloth in your hand, wiping her bloody nose for her and cleaning some of her cuts. The ginger had looked so broken, it hurt to see.

"Are you ready to talk about what happened yet?"

"I don't know." Max hung her head low, shrugging. You sigh.

"Do you need somewhere to stay tonight?"

No reply, Just a slow nod. Good enough, you thought.

You followed her gaze, which had landed on the flowers. You see her expression hurt all over again. You go over to your night stand and pick the flowers up, "You like these?"

"They're my favourite." She gave you a sad smile, Which only grew to a genuine one as you handed them to her. You felt yourself growing nervous, but it was now or never.

"I know, I hand picked them for you. Max.. Can we talk?"


So, there you both were. Sitting across each other on the bed, you take her hands into yours and use your thumbs to gently rub her knuckles.

It had been silent for a couple minutes, your brain trying to scramble the right words together, as if the ones you were rehearsing earlier just abandoned your mind. But there were no signs of the redhead being impatient, not at all; She sat patiently, her face showing nothing but a reassuring and patient smile, not rushing you.

You moved your hand to her knee and stared at her lips, deciding to just show her how you felt since all words had left you. You moved closer slowly, Max following suite.

"Y/N.." Max spoke softly, snapping your gaze from her lips back up to her eyes.

Max grabbed the back of your neck, breaking the tension and pulling you in. Her lips were so soft, the opposite of yours which were slightly rougher. Just as quickly as she had done it, it was over.

Both of you were red in the face, as Max spoke up again.

"I like you. I like you a lot, y/n. Ever since we first met and even when I was still dating Lucas. I knew but I thought it was wrong and I pushed it down, I'm sorry."

"No, Maxine, I'm sorry. When you described who you liked I thought you were talking about somebody else." You rubbed your own arm, your words starting to get caught in your throat. You swallow and forced yourself to keep talking. "I've liked you since we first met too. But my jealousy got the better of me and I lied about it."

"Shit happens." Max smirked, her confidence seemingly growing as the redhead made her way onto your lap. Kissing you longer this time, And you complied, of course you had. You both had waited so long for this moment.

Your hands snake their way around her waste as both of you felt each other smile against the others lips, the kiss getting slightly more heated. Max's hands had found their way into your Y/H/C locks, pulling slightly as she shifted, getting more comfortable.

Both of you pull away for air, staring into each other, the smiles still remaining.

"Wow.." You hastily breathed out, pecking her again.

"That's going to take some getting used to." Max chuckled.



Okay so this is a really short chapter, I'm sorry. I'm not long out of hospital and I'm still not feeling 100% but I wanted to get something out :) I hope you guys understand and bare with me. I'm planning on spending a few hours on the next chapter, But I decided I'll take a few ideas and throw them in. If you have any, comment :)

Her name is Max, Not Maxine.Where stories live. Discover now