Chapter 1: New World

Depuis le début

   The book that I read only provided the information about the Monument and didn't provide a description of it and a photo, so I am very curious on what it looks like.

   After finishing eating the food that I bought and did my finish my usual routine at noon I then returned to the forest.

   When I finish my daily routine at noon pretty early I took that opportunity to fish, or scavenge some food to cook at night since I know how to start a fire.

   While walking in the forest I am thinking on what to do next day, maybe I could go to the different places I learned from the White Room that I haven't seen in person yet.

   Yeah, I should today starting with going to the places that I found at the map.

   Now that I think about it at the past couple days I overheard someone talking about a city not to far away from the village.

   I took my map again in my bag and scanned for that City and to my surprise I was so focused on the Monument that I have knowledge about, that I didn't notice that the City is near the Monument that I will visit tomorrow.

   I've been to a city before, It was the 2nd day when I got out from the White Room but I didn't stay there and quickly move away towards it and stayed in the current forest that I found comfortable near a peaceful village.

   Maybe I should go to that city and check if there is anything special about it.

   Since I would be going into different places I won't be staying in the woods anymore which means I need to go to a hotel for a night to sleep and it means I need to spend some of my money.

   I also need to find a job to make some money so I won't go broke, I could look some in the city and after saving a amount of money I am satisfied I'll then set my adventure to explore the world.

   "It's dusk now." I talked to myself

   After finishing my afternoon routine I then go towards the Abandoned Cabin I found today.

   Finally arriving at the Abandoned Cabin I then start a campfire at an open area so the fire won't spread accidentally.

   I took out all of the materials I got while scavenging and preparing them to cook.

   After finishing cooking and eating I then set up my stuff inside the Abandoned Cabin and sleep.

   'Tomorrow's gonna be a busy day.' I thought

Next Day

   When I woke up I packed my stuff and put it inside the bag and got out the Cabin

   "Dawn" I told myself

   According to the map that I scanned this Abandoned Cabin is near a mountain and behind that mountain is the designated location I pinpointed which is the Monument

   I started eating for breakfast from the leftover fruits and berries I found yesterday.

   After eating I checked my things in my bag if I didn't forget anything and stated hiking towards the mountain.

   The reason I choose to go towards the mountain because the roads will take much more longer than going towards the mountain go through it.

   About 2 hours away from the Abandoned Cabin I finally arrived at the mountain.

   It took me almost about another 2 hours to walk at top of the mountain, the mountain isn't that long than any other usual mountain the only problem is it's very rocky.

White Room Burned Down [Rebooted]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant