Drive in (robin)

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There was no doubt that robin had a massive crush on y/n l/n. She was the prettiest girl in school. Everything about her was perfect.

When he finally got her to join his friend group, he noticed she was closer with billy than him. Billy and her did almost everything together.

In my mind, billy and I were great friends and to him that's what we were. Nothing more. At one point he did have feelings but he understood why I turned him down

He was the first to see inside my heart. He was the first to know who I was falling for. Robin Arellano. He knew everything about my life.

Billy and I were sitting at the canteen table, waiting for the rest of the gang to arrive

Billy- so did you tell Robin you like him yet?

Y/n- no, you know I can't say anything, he would kill me

Billy- why?

Y/n- he wants to seem tough, he doesn't want a girl like me to drag him down

Robin- drag who down?

I looked up, the whole group standing behind me. I looked angrily over at billy who was covering his mouth with his hand

Y/n- just this guy on the baseball team

Vance- you like someone!?

Billy- eh ye, no, maybe

Y/n- stop billy... yeah I do like someone

Bruce- when were you going to tell us!?

Y/n- soon but not now

Vance- well tell us who it is!

He pushed billy aside, sitting across from me

Y/n- he's nice...

Finney- he's nice? That's it?

Robin- that should be it

He rolled his eyes

Y/n- yeah that's it

I stood up and left.

I went to chemistry, awaiting robins arrival

Robin- sorry I was late, I was with Stacy

Y/n- Stacy grant?

Robin- yeah

I nodded slowly

Robin- how's your baseball boyfriend

Y/n- non existent

Robin- what?

Y/n- I was talking about another guy

Robin- who?

Y/n- you'll have to wait and see I guess

Robin- so your free tonight?

Y/n- yes I guess so

Robin- cool

I looked at him confused. Before I could say anything, the teacher walked in

The class went by quiet slowly. After school I walked home alone. All my friends had ditched me

Vance ditched me for the grab n go, finney ditched me for Donna, Bruce ditched me for baseball training, billy ditched me for his dog and robin ditched me for some mumbley robin reason

When I got home I did my homework and studied for an hour before going to watch tv

My thoughts on today were cut off by the phone ringing

Y/n- mom! The phone!

No answer

Y/n- dad!

No answer

I rolled my eyes before getting up and answering the phone

Y/n- hello

Robin- hey y/n

Y/n- oh hi Robin, math homework again?

Robin- doing it now but that's not why I called

Y/n- oh, just tell me what subject it is and I'll help

Robin- it's not a subject, it's a question about something else

Y/n- about what?

Robin- the drive in

Y/n- what about it?

Robin- do you want to go with me to the drive in, on a date ?


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