Project (finney)

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I was partners with finney shaw for science. I had a major crush on him but I could never tell him.

Today we had to do a project on space. The teacher said that our partner had to be who we sat next to, so mine was finney. I looked over to him, offering him a weak smile which he did not return. I turned away, my face turning bright red

Finney- so you can do the pictures, I'll do the writing

Y/n- oh em ok

I nodded and began drawing a picture of our solar system while he wrote down some facts.

The teacher walked around passing out a large sheet of paper for us to glue our work onto.

Robin walked passed finney, handing him a small rolled up piece of paper. Finney opened it and laughed at what was written. I wanted to know what it said but that would be nosey

Robin handed finney a note saying "she totally likes you". Robin had been saying this since the start of the year. Finney had always laughed it off, thinking it wasn't true. He had heard a rumour that she was dating a guy outside of school. He believed it and he was hurt. He liked her but never wanted to say anything because of how awkward it would be if she really was with someone.

I began placing pictures down on the large sheet, trying to figure out the placement

Finney- I think that should go up at the top

I went to move it, so did he. My hand was under his. My face turned bright red. I expected him to move his hand but he didn't. After a moment I slipped my hand out from under his. God that was awkward

Finney- eh... can you help me write some of this stuff

I nodded, sitting next to him opening our textbooks. We began copying down the notes. My pencil broke. I didn't want to ask him for one but I had to

Y/n- do you have a spare pencil

Finney- yeah

He handed her a pencil. The tips of their fingers brushing against eachother. He admired her pink painted nails, slightly chipping. He wanted this moment to last forever

I pulled my hand away. I thanked him and continued writing.

Suddenly I felt his leg against mine. He was sitting with his legs spread so they were bumping against mine. I cleared my throat trying to let him know but he paid no mind to me

He wanted to admit that he was doing this all on purpose. All the touching, it wasn't an accident like she thought. He wanted to feel close to her. He wanted her to confess that she liked him

Y/n- em finney?

Finney- yeah?

Y/n- can you- ... can you move your leg please

Finney- oh sorry

He moved his leg. I only needed him to move so I could get up. I ran out of the class and into the bathroom. I needed time to recollect myself. Should I say something? Should I ignore it? I didn't know what to do.

The bell rang for lunch. Finney left the class and went to hang out with robin. I got a sudden burst of confidence.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to find finney. Once I found him I walked right up to him, placing my hands on either side of his face, pulling him in for a kiss

Y/n- I like you

He smiled pulling away from the kiss. I knew he liked me back. Thank god because if he didn't that would've been awkward

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