Chapter 1 - The Fall

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   Could this beautiful summer day get anymore bleak? The warm sun goes to waste as the slight breeze pushes the clouds in its view. The leaves occasionally fall and make shapes and attempt (and failed) to make silly little animals. I take I look at down from the tree where Alice and I lay spotting my oldest sister reading her book. Alice and I turn 19 next week so our oldest sister insists on spending as much time as she can with us before then. Why, I'm not sure but anything to appease her.

   "Please can we go play? We're not even reading like you!" Alice exclaims. I look down at the bookworm as she partially closes her book and glances up slightly.

   "Patience is key my loves, only a while longer, I'm almost finished with my book. Try resting and enjoying the peace and quiet" she says. I nestled back into my spot on the thick tree branch. The whistle of the wind lulls me to sleep. The peace and quiet of my mind is intoxicating. The thoughts stop as sleep overcomes me. The flashing of color behind my eyelids look like a wonderful kaleidoscope of fireworks and I sink deeper into the fantastic feeling of--

   "Wake up! Look, look, look! A rabbit, with a stopwatch! How peculiar..." Alice exclaims, waking me out of my slumber. I glance over in the direction she so hastily points expecting there to be nothing and her child like imagination gotten the better of her but sure enough, a rabbit in a red coat and blue undershirt wears glasses and holds a stopwatch in his paw. 

   "Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!" the rabbit says to itself.

   "Mr. Rabbit oh Mr. Rabbit! Where are you off too? May we join you? Oh Mr. Rabbit please slow down!" Alice yells towards the rabbit as she scrambles down from the tree. I hop down after and ran to catch up to Alice knowing I would get scolded if anything happened to her. We race to see where the peculiar rabbit when. We ran over the hill just in time to see the rabbit stop in front of a large hole in the ground and pull out his stopwatch once more.

   "Oh dear, I'm late, I'm very very late for a very important date!". No sooner than he finished that last word he dove into the rabbit hole and Alice insisted that we go too. Before I could even begin to reason with her, she was pulling me down the dark hole with her. It was a weightless ride down. Almost as blissful as sleep. Alice is panicking no doubt but I just couldn't find the urge to care. While this was a scary hellish drop for her, the sound of her petrified screams fade into the background as this was magical for me. Like floating on a cloud, and the cloud had a pillow. Assuming you can float on clouds and the condensation of the water particles wouldn't break and you'd plummet to your death. Maybe that's what Alice feels like. Like her cloud broke. Even though her cloud will never break. Her cloud is protected by everyone. My cloud broke long ago, maybe that's why I cherish the feeling of being unaware, because I'm all too aware. Too aware of the people that surround me and the opinions. Too aware of my place in the world as a woman. No matter how much I rebel and think of change I understand that this is the way the world works, but Alice is oblivious.

   I hear a thud. I'm finally brought back to reality and realize we are quite literally going down a rabbit hole, I wonder if Alice has landed yet. She must have with the speed she was going. I glance down and see Alice 50 feet below me on a black, shiny floor.

   "Ugh, that really hurt! How come you're still floating nicely?" Alice pouts. My little cloud starts floating down farther down until I'm able to hop off slowly.

   "Maybe it's because you dragged me down here." I said a matter-of-factly. I glanced around the dim room and saw what looked to be a door maybe even two.

   "Alice,look! Do you see that over there? Over there, by the light?" I said whilehurrying over, hoping someone was on the other side that could help us. 

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