Part 11

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AuMarcot 2006


While New Orleans recovered slowly, Tulane reopened for the Spring semester. Jisoo went back to her chosen school and got to experience her first Mardi Gras. Albeit a much smaller more subdued party in post Katrina NOLA.

The Tulane spring break did not align with the break at Jennie and Lisa's schools. Although Jisoo tried to insist that the families follow the regular schedule and spend the week in DC, the Manoban' visited New Orleans. Days were often spent on a beach in Mississippi or down at Grand Isle.

Summer break brought a trip to the Yucatan Peninsula in Playa del Carmen, exploring Mayan ruins, and lying on beaches. It was a compromise, Jisoo wanted to go to Machu Picchu (she had never outgrown her love of The Emperor's New Groove ), Jennie and Lisa wanted to go scuba diving, Jiyong and Marco wanted to fish, Dara wanted a Caribbean beach, Sehun wanted to go somewhere with pretty girls in very little clothing, Chitthip just wanted some peace. So Jisoo got Chichen Itza and Valladolid, Jennie and Lisa got to go cenote and reef diving, Sehun got hundreds of females in bikinis, Dara and Chitthip got to lay on beaches and pretend they didn't have a handful of teenagers.


AuMarcot 2006

It's hot. Lisa thinks that she melting in her football pads and uniform. DC isn't usually this hot. The humidity is high and her compression shirt is soaked through. She's the quarterback and it's football practice in the weeks leading to her 8th grade year. Next year she moves up to the high school and has to climb to the top all over again. It's okay, though. As long as she's got Sehun playing tight end, they'll blast right back to varsity first string.

Coach set up a scrimmage practice, offense against defense. Lisa had grown to hate these kinds of practices because the right side defensive end, Jungkook fucking Bae, was a complete piece of shit who still went out of his way to try to hurt her. Last scrimmage practice, he made a point to face mask her. Coach benched him and that only made it worse. She didn't know why he was suddenly a Panther this year, she suspected he just wanted to be on a team that didn't suck for once.

They lined up on the ball. Currently, Bae was staring down Sehun, Lisa thought that might have something to do with his little sister's crush on Sehun. She had shown up to practice three times already and tried to talk to him.

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