Part 7

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September 2001

Chapter Notes

Trigger warning: 9/11. Nothing graphic.

September 8, 2001

It's a beautiful Saturday morning in the Nation's Capitol and Lisa Manoban was about to start her first pee-wee football game. She was nervous and felt like she was buzzing slightly. Marco, Chitthip, and Jisoo were sitting in the stands with Uncle Nyko, Sehun's dad. They saw her looking and waved. Coach called them into a huddle. Lisa only heard about half of what he said. There was a buzzing in her ears and she kept looking at her family.

"Alright, let's get out there! On three!" Coach said enthusiastically. The whole team chanted together, "One, two, three, WARRIORS!"

The Warriors had won the coin toss and Lisa led the offense out onto the field. Lisa lined up behind her center, his name was Cal and he was a thick little guy who Lisa thought was just bursting with rage. He probably should have been a tackle, but Lisa felt a little safer with him as her first line of defense. She glanced over at Sehun. He was focused on his guards and didn't look at Lisa. He knew the play, she knew the play.

Cal snapped the ball, Lisa fell back and pretended to look for wide receivers and Linc pulled away and ran across behind Lisa. She tossed him the ball and he shot around the cluster of players around Lisa and gained 20 yards before the opposing team's cornerback finally brought him down. Lisa managed to escape her first play unsacked. She felt pretty good. She looked to the stands and saw her family cheering like crazy. She smiled and wished Jennie was there.

They formed up on the line of scrimmage and the rest of the world just faded away. If it wasn't on the field, Lisa blocked it out. They didn't need a huddle. This whole drive was pre-planned. Cal signaled the play number as a reminder, Sehun fidgeted. The opposing guards were focused on Sehun. Cal snapped the ball, Lisa fell back, locked eyes on the left wide receiver

who was looking back at Lisa for the ball. By the time the defense shifted focus from Linc to the wide receiver, Lisa handed the ball off to the half back that was suddenly tearing off down the right side. He gained 11 yards before the full force of a linebacker slammed him to the ground. Another first down and the goal was in sight.

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