Part 2

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March 2001: Part Two

March 21, 2001

The morning started much like the previous morning, two little girls rushing morning rituals to get to each other. Both had found themselves forced into baths the previous night, Jennie objected swearing she was clean and bathing was bad for her delicate skin. Dara informed her that not bathing was bad for everyone's sense of smell and nobody wanted to be friends with the smelly kid. Probably not even Lisa, this may have been a mistake because Calamity Jennie then ended up with a bruised knee from slipping in the tub. She might have gotten a concussion and knot on her head if Dara hadn't been close enough to catch her. The whole time Jennie wailed that Lisa loved her and her smell!

That morning when Jennie flung herself out of the room and into Lisa, the brunette said very matter of factly, "I love you and your smell."

"I told you!" Jennie called back into the room.

At breakfast, Lisa had Mickey Waffles, again. She also had bacon, again. Jennie wanted a cinnamon roll as big as her head. After a long negotiation, Dara talked her down to French toast and bacon with an option for an ice cream sundae to share with Lisa at a later time. Dara had begun to wonder if maybe Jennie was destined for law instead of medicine or engineering. She pitied anyone that had to negotiate with an adult Jennie who didn't have to worry about getting grounded or having sweets withheld.

An hour later, hopped up on sugar Jennie and Lisa stormed the gates of Disney/MGM Studios and made haste for Star Tours someone might have shouted, "For the Rebellion! Down with the Empire!" Jisoo might have put an excitable blonde with a sugar rush up to it. When her father looked at her with a raised eyebrow she shrugged and tried to look as perpLised as the adults.

They didn't see much on the way to Star Tours, Jennie had a park map and a mission.

On the ride the girls sat side by side, holding hands, and reacting excitedly to everything that happened to the starspeeder.

Once the Death Star was safely destroyed, Jennie was willing to let someone else be in charge. Which turned out to be Jiyong, who led them directly to the Muppet Theater.

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