There was a drop.

A huge one.

With a girl new to skateboard on a wobbly skateboard.

Going down a steep hole.

"Oh shit-"

And that's when I plummeted to my death.
Or at least it felt like it.
"JESUS CHRIST STOP BOARD STOP!!!" I commanded to the object.

I looked back to see Leo, Donnie, and Mikey coming after me.
Raph and Casey were too busy laughing their asses off.

"Y/n!! YOUVE GOTTA STOP!!" Mikey yelled.

"I KNOW THAT GENIUS! HOW?!!" I screamed
While still hurdling to my death.


I took a deep breath and looked at the zooming floor. I slammed my foot down and I was launched at least six feet into the air flying on my face.

"JESUS FUCK-" I screamed before getting caught by a diving pair of hands.

"Gotcha." Leo peered down at me smiling.

"I think that's enough skateboarding.." I chuckled as Leo landed and walked with me in his arms.

"Me and you both." He stuttered, "B-but hey! I mean you did pretty good!"

I looked at him raising an eyebrow.
"That was good? Jesus how low are your standards?"

He smiled, "how low are yours? You're dating a mutant ninja turtle"

That last bit made his smile slowly fade. Not by a lot but it was noticeable.

I kissed him on the cheek, "I wouldn't have it any other way thank you very much."

"We'll you may have to get used to it for the next 12 hours." He said as he let me down.

"YEA!!!!" Mikey yelled. "We're gonna be human~ we're gonna be human~"he sung as he did a little dance.

I laughed. "What do you look like?" I asked Leo.

"That is for you to find out princess." He smiled.

"Okay okay, I just need to get it ready. It requires a very specific condition it needs to be in. Everyone just go get ready.

Once we entered the lair I grabbed my purse and sat with April and Casey on the couch.

"So what do you think they'll look like?" Casey asked.

"We'll it's their personas basically... so their personality humanized?" April responded.

"I think Raphs hair will be super spiked. He always mentioned how sick he thinks it looks." Casey Added.

"What do you think Donnie will look like?" I asked April; her face turning a deep crimson.

"Well... I've always imagined him with messy brown hair. Not sure why... and their body will be the same? Right? I mean D will still be tall and skinny?" She thought.

I shrugged, "who knows Maybe to Raph his hight is as big as his temper.."

"I HEARD THAT!" The same firey Turtle yelled as he walked near us.

"You've angered the beast," April chuckled.

Donnie walked out with a satchel. "alright who's ready?"

Leo and Mikey had just come back, announcing their presence with a verbal,"Ready."

We exited the lair, and Leo's words stuck in my mind.

You're the one who's dating a mutant ninja turtle.

What In the hell did he mean by that?

We dropped onto a dark ally. Apirl stayed with me the entire time us both taking and giggling about what our loving founded family could look human.

I was of course focused on Leo. His broad shoulders and kind blue bell eyes. What would his skin look like? What would his face shape be?

I couldn't wait to find out.

As we dropped in the back D pulled out syringe.
"We've all done this but let me remind those who need it." He shot a glance at Mikey. "I'm gonna place this into your arm and it may take awhile to activate through your body but you'll know when it does. We all have our clothing correct?"

They all nodded and showed their arms. D injected all of them and then himself.

"We'll be gone for about 10/15 minutes." He turned to April. "I'll be right back my love." He winked before disappearing into the shadows.
April looked at her boyfriend star struck as I chuckled.

We waited for about fifteen minutes before hearing a "ready?" From Donnie.

He instructed us to turn around. As he wanted us to see them all.
We did as we were told me and April snickering and Casey's complaining.


We turned around and my jaw absolutely dropped.

My eyes searched the three turtles- no humans. In front of me. Donnie had neck length brown hair that was tied into a small pony tail with purple highlights. He was rocking a somehow stylish lab coat with a purple t shirt and black jeans.
Mikey sported a black t-shirt with orange sleeves, and blue jeans and orange, yellow, black,and white nike shoes.

Raph- whom stayed the same hight- had red spiked hair with an undercut that faded from red to black.
He wore a red tank top, fingerless black gloves. And baggy dark green pants.

Mikey showed his fingers off,"these feel so weird!!" How do you guys deal with this??"

Raph was comparing mussles withCasey and Donnie was talking to Apirl-who was staring at him best red and hands covering her face.

As I scanned the turtles my mind wondered, "where's Leo?" I asked.

I heard a loud thump behind me, answering my question.

"Leo-" I turned around and my face flushed at the new human who stood behind me.


"Like what you see?" He asked in a teasing voice.

I just stared at him. It was so weird to see him human. He still looked like himself but.. he was so different.
His hair was tied up into a slightly messy black bun with an undercut, he had a strand of hair that was about chin length that was died blue, he had a grey flannel over his blue hoodie, with some dark blue jeans.

"You're..." I stuttered.

He placed his new five fingered hand under my chin, "hm?"

"Different.. for sure." I responded breathless.

"Is that good or bad?" He asked laughing; inches away from my face.

I smiled and grabbed his collar (wich I had always wanted to do but he never wears shirts)

I kisses his lips Wich if any suspicions made me think this wasn't him eliminated them.

Yep. This was my Leo

Everyone Needs A Hero.... Even You.    A reader x Leonardo Where stories live. Discover now