One of his hands comes over and steadies my fingers on the glass.

"Hey, you'd do the same for me, so there's no reason to thank me for it." He pauses, thinking his next words over. "Have you talked to him today?"

A short laugh sputters out of my mouth. "By the time he's awake, I'm at work. When I'm on lunch, he's at practice or morning skate. And when I'm about to go to bed, he's sitting in game tape review or playing a game. So yes I've talked to him, but only if missed texts and voicemails count."

"It's something, right? Means that you're both making an effort."

"I mean yeah," I sigh. "But it's never anything more than have a good day or you played great tonight. It's just really fucking hard, Con."

"I know," he reaches over, rubbing my back to distract me from my thoughts.

I just smile at him, turning back to watch the advanced line dancers take over the floor. We're silent for a few minutes until he chuckles and leans over. "Did you know that your boyfriend had a talk with me before I left for Denver?"


"Yup," the 'p' pops on his lips. "He told me that I wasn't allowed to joke around with you when it came to you picking Nashville over Denver."

My brows furrow, and he continues. "I've taken you for granted, Kota, and I never consciously realized it until he told me. In college, it got to the point where I just expected you to come and watch all of my games, regardless of if you needed to study or had other plans. Then, to be honest, I was upset when you chose to come here instead. "

"I loved being there to support you, though."

"It doesn't matter," he shakes his head. "You know, a part of me was even angry at you when you couldn't make it to my first NHL game. For god's sake, you had a fucking final that day and I was mad that you didn't skip it and come to me instead.

"Parker told me that I needed to be more mindful of your future, and I'm really happy he did, Kota. Not only that he helped pull my head out of my ass, but it also made me feel better knowing that you have someone that willing to stick up for you."

Wrapping an arm around his bicep, I rest my cheek on his shoulder. "First off, supporting you has given me some of the happiest moments of my life, and I'll always continue to do so, even if it is from a distance now. Second, I really picked a good one, didn't I?"

He chuckles in response, popping his shoulder so my head bounces playfully. "Love you."

"Love you, too," I whisper, squeezing him briefly.


That night as I jump out of the shower, my phone begins to ring, and the specific ringtone tells me exactly who it is.

I wrap myself up in a towel as quick as humanly possible and step into my room as I answer. "Hey, Park!"

His eyes look sunken and dark. "Hi, baby. How was work?"

"Good," I set the phone down for a moment so I can throw on clothes. "Just prepping for tomorrow with the game. How was practice?"

"They pulled me out halfway through," He pauses, clearing his throat. "For a, uh, meeting."


"I don't want to beat around the bush, Dakota. They offered me three years and I took it."

Nausea immediately pools in my stomach and tears bite at my eyes. Parker looks equally as distressed, and his hair is sticking up in a million directions due to the fact that he's been running his hands through the thick locks since I answered his call.

"Listen, I know it's not ideal, but we can make it work, baby." He continues, voice strained. "If anyone can fucking make this work it's us."

"Parker-" I sigh, but he cuts me off.

"Don't say it. We can make it work. If we lose tomorrow night, I have the entire summer off and I'll come to you. I'll come to you for every goddamn break, Dakota. Please."

"Our schedules completely clash," I try to keep my tone neutral. "I only get three weeks vacation. I'd run out of it in no time and you only get two breaks per season. You can't tell me that these past few weeks apart have been easy for you."

He stands up and I can see him begin pacing the room he's in. "Obviously this has not been fuckin easy, baby, you're my best friend. The contract has a player's trade option after two years. We only have to do it for two years. That's nothing."

"You're assuming that Nashville would be the only team who may want you in two years, Park. What if someone else gives you a better offer when that time comes? What if Seattle isn't ready to give you up?"

"I won't fucking care!" His eyes are starting to well with tears as he looks back to me through the screen. "Nashville could offer me ten fucking dollars a game and I'd still take it!"

"We already talked about this months ago," I stress. "At the lake. We talked about what we'd do if this happened."

"We said we'd reassess the situation if it happened. Not that we'd break up."

I sigh again, trying to keep my voice from cracking. "I can't do the whole long-distance thing for another two years. Mentally, I can't do it. You know just how much I love you. You know that I wouldn't do this if I felt like it I could handle the distance."

Tears are falling freely down both of our faces, our pain visible. It feels like my chest has been split open and someone is punching my heart repeatedly.

"What if you come here for one last week once you're done?"

"If I do that, I won't come back to Seattle." He uses the back of his hand to wipe a few tears. "I won't be able to leave you."

My head tilts back, resting against my headboard as I try to take a full breath.

"Fuck," he rubs at his face roughly, starting to calm down, even if it's just for my sake. "I really hate this."

"I do too."

"I'm not giving up on you or this," he promises. "I don't want you to think this breakup is me giving up. I'll do everything I can to come home to you."

I can't help but smile a bit. "I know you will. And if anything changes for me, I'll be at your front door with my suitcase in a second."

"Then I'll take you down to the courthouse and put a goddamn ring on your finger right after," he chuckles.

"Deal." My eyes quickly try to memorize every inch of his face one last time. "I love you a whole lot, Parker."

"You own my entire heart. I love you."

We stare at each other for a few more seconds before he disconnects the call and I crumble into the sheets of my bed. I begin to cry so hard that I can't catch my breath.

I stumble into the bathroom and land in front of my toilet, trembling as I begin to dry-heave due to my tightened stomach. Not long after, I hear hard footsteps rush into the small room. 

"Con-" I try to get out, but my dinner threatens to come up once more.

"Shh," he sits down and wraps his arms around me. "I know, he just texted me. I know."

I sob until I fall asleep on the hard floor, but he never loosens his grip on me, whispering soft sentiments into my ear in the hopes of calming me down. It doesn't work completely, but I feel more grateful than ever to have a rock in this moment, even if it feels like my heart is splintering. 



I got this one finished and wanted to get it up asap for y'all, and I don't know when the next chapter will be but I plan to get it up the second I'm finished writing. 

While this means no scheduled upload date, it does mean that it could be a fun surprise haha

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