"If it was meant to be, it would have been. And don't miss out on her life just because I will."

I look down at my feet, tears flowing endlessly down my face. "Why did you have to go?"

He steps back. "If I had stayed, I would be over doing my time with you. The time you'll later spend with someone else."

"I don't understand."

"You will. Someday."

His figure becomes more distant by the second. Every second I watch him leave. An odd feeling of both agony and satisfaction. My distant love. Harry. I take his letter and rip it to pieces, throwing it out into the river.


They say love is blind. I never knew what it meant. And I still don't. As little as I do know about love, I know that I once had it.




Pleasure. Sweet pleasure. And all the other emotions no one's capable of stirring up in you, but your lover.

My heart is fragile. Healing slowly. But in such a weak state, it'll break at the sound of his name. Grieving is human. But I have to pick myself up for me and my little girl. Telling myself I'm almost there will help me take the first step in getting there. So faking is what I'll have to practice. Telling myself I'm strong enough to do this, until I do get that strength.

"How is it?" Heather asks.

I chew slowly, looking up at her, scrunching my nose.

"You're lying," she says. "That pie whipped all my exes." A knowing smile on her face.

"If it's so good, why are you still single?" I have a glass of water.

"Being single is my thing, okay? It brings me peace. And being single doesn't mean I don't get some every now and then." She winks at Hannah.

"Don't say that, she's getting older."

"Would you prefer I get laid?"


"Okay." She raises her hands.

Hannah's feeding herself with mashed potatoes I just made her for lunch. She may be clueless as to what we're talking about now, but twelve more years and I'll be getting my share of headaches.

"Did someone just ring the doorbell? Or am I hearing things?" Heather asks.

"It's Zayn. I think Madison said he's spending the day with the guys."

"Wait, that was today?"

"Yeah. Time really is catching up on us. Still can't believe we're leaving tomorrow."

"Oh, forget tomorrow. Zayn's coming in this house any minute now and I'm wearing a sundress."

"There's nothing wrong with it."

"No offense, but that's coming from you and we both know fashion isn't you're strongest point."

"None taken." I give her a mischievous smile. "If you need me, I'll be welcoming our guest."

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