Chapter Nine - According to Lucas

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I felt a tiny wave of nervousness sweep over me and I knew that she'd seen Mitch. Fear coursed through me in bursts and then Mitch's voice flittered through my mind.

'Uh dude.' His voice unsure and panicked. 'We've got a problem.'

'What's up?' I tried to keep my voice nonchalant but I don't think he bought it.

'They took her.' Growling I jumped from my desk and ran out of the classroom. I ignored all the stares/glares from the people in the school.

'Where are you?' I managed just as I transformed into my wolf heading in the direction I thought he was.

'Casselberry' I growled again, that was hours away.

I skidded to a stop in the middle of the woods and began pacing. I needed a plan, I couldn't go into a unfamiliar territory without back up at least. I howled in anger and was instantly greeted with dozens of voice asking me what was wrong, but I couldn't tell them, I couldn't tell anyone.


After I convinced my dad that we needed to 'kidnap' Rose from the pack that has her now, I kept going over every solution to get her out of this mess. I mean she rejected me and all but she still had a special place in my heart and I'd hate for anything bad to happen to her.

My hands balled into fist as my wolf growled, he was clearly agitated. I guess I was too but he knew something I didn't.

The fear came so suddenly that it overpowered all my senses, I saw a flash of a guys face as he stalked over me. "Well then he should enjoy this." The guy laughed and I heard a scream in fright. "Shut it bitch." He hissed.

"Get off me." The voice of an angel spoke, sending a shiver through me. Suddenly the guy growled and threw the person into the wall, everything went black and I was cut off from whatever that was.

Then the pain hit. The worst pain imaginable was searing through my body like electricity and my muscles ached. My head was throbbing while my wolf howled and paced, he was itching to be released. It took everything in me to keep him reigned in, who knows what he'd do if I let him free.

The pain seemed to last forever and I hate to admit it but I might have let a tear or two slip, that's how painful it was.


I sat up straight and ran out the door. She needed to be saved. Now.

"We have to go." I spoke as I opened the door to my parents bedroom. My father was asleep but my mom was awake as she flipped through the pages of a book. Surprised she looked up.

"Lucas?" She hopped out of the bed and came to my side instantly. My dad stirred, I'm told that once you sleep with your mate you can't sleep peacefully unless they are by your side. "What's wrong?"

"She- I'm." I stuttered and tried to recover my thought process, "We have to go."

"Honey. I'm not understanding." She shook her head, "What's this about?"

"Luke?" My dad yawned from the bed, his eyes blinking in surprise. "What happened?" He sensed my worry, as did my mom.

I shook my head, Rose would have to wait. "Nothing. Never mind." I sighed and began to leave.

"Wait." My mother called me back, "You obviously came in here for a reason, Lucas. Now tell me."

"She needs help." I whispered.

"Who?" Both of my parents responded, their Alphas coming to the surface. "Is Miranda okay?" My mom's face gave away her worry.

"Randi's fine mom." I sighed. "I just can't help but think that Rosaline is in trouble with those guys."

"Rosaline Summers?" My dad growled and my mothers eyebrows drew together in confusion. "Son, you don't need to worry about her. She's not your responsibility."

But she was. She was mine, even if she didn't want me.


The run to Casselberry was long, possibly because I just wanted Rose to be okay and any minute I could feel that searing pain again. Once we crossed the border it was easy to find the pack house, mostly because it ranked of wolf trails.

We had a surprise attack and it was working so far, they didn't have good potrolers. Clearly. Rose's feeling began to rise in me just as I saw the house come into view and pushed myself in front of everyone else.

"You little slut." I heard a familiar voice in my head, "How dare you belittle me. I. Will. Kill. You." I cringed and growled lowly. I needed to pinpoint where he was.

"Good." Her angelic voice whispered. Wait, what? Good? She wanted to die?

I heard a growl to my right and thats when my throat began to close. It was becoming harder to breath and I knew that he was killing her. "Don't test me bitch." He laughed, "Who would ever want you as a mate? You're worthless but you are a good little fuck."

That's when a line of wolves were standing in front of us, blocking us from the house. We've gotten so close too... I began fighting with three wolves and easily took them down.

'Find Rose.' I sent Mitch as I bit another wolf. Mitch nodded to my left and I saw him take off.

I was furious that someone took her, nervous that I wouldn't get to her in time and scared of what will happen after this.

"Lucas?" The name seemed to brighten my whole day, especially the way she said it. I growled loudly, taking another wolf down. Happiness bubbled inside me and I knew that I was doing the right thing, not that I was really questioning it.

I fought hard and I fought many but they seem to just be an endless supply of them. I just wanted Rosie!

I felt eyes on me, eyes so intense that I knew instantly who's they were. I brought my gaze to match hers and I didn't regret it. She was so beautiful, she took my breath away. I wanted nothing more than to take her into my arms and kiss her.

"Lucas!" She shriek in freight and I took off to be by her side. She seemed so scared and I couldn't stand there! As I got closer I could see her clearly.

Her face was bruised and swollen. Guilt filled my stomach as it dropped, it looked so painful. How was she not in pain? I licked her face in an attempt to heal her and make her laugh. It worked. She giggled and wiped her face.

"Luke." She scolded playfully, and my wolf submitted to her as we laid at her feet. She was too beautiful.

'Get on, Rosie.' I mentally chanted.

"He wants you to get on." Mitch laughed and she turned to look at him. I did too a nearly lost it, they were holding hands!

'I swear to fucking God.' I growled to Mitch and he dropped her hand instantly, giving me a secret smirk.

"Hurry, he said." Mitch lied and helped Rose onto my back. "Just hold on, he won't let anything happen to you."

"Thanks." She replied greatfully. Jealousy seared through me, how dare she be grateful to him. I'm the one who planned this whole thing! Her fingers curled in my fur and I growled before I took off into the woods.

Being near Rosie was mending the relationship with my wolf, because when she rejected me he blamed me. And if I'm being honest, I blame me too.


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