Chapter 21: Raine's Tale

Start from the beginning

 Raine appeared from behind a tree. She was five years old. She had her pink hair fixed up with a butterfly pin. A gift from her master, she was wearing her favorite pink pajamas which also had butterflies on them.  As a child, she had no clue why but she was obsessed with butterflies. She thought they were the prettiest thing in existence. Perhaps, even, that too was because of her master. She spotted her master as he was sitting there in the grass. He was wearing a white robe and there were several bright pink butterflies floating around him. His eyes were closed as he sat there in silence, his legs crossed, sitting Indian Style.

"Master, what are you doing out here?" She asked coming out from her hiding place.   

"Oh," Her master opened his left eye. She stood there amazed by his glowing pink pupil.  She admired his eyes and wanted eyes just like his. Scratch that, she wanted to be like him in every way.  She had the coolest teacher ever. "Well, if it isn't my favorite student, come here child." He opened his arms out to her. She ran into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Coming to check on me?"

"Uh huh," Raine nodded. "You disappeared," She sat in his lap. "So I thought," She took hold of her master's long blond hair and began trying to braid it. "Maybe you wanted me to find you. Like hide and seek." She offered. "Well, guess what," She smiled. "I found you," She poked his nose. He gently kissed her forehead. "So what are you doing out here by yourself?"

"Well, if you must know," He ran fingers through her hair. "I'm checking on something important to me. By closing my eyes and shutting off all my surroundings. While focusing on that certain person, it allows me to see what they see. That way, I can make sure that person is safe. I know," He began undoing the braiding in his hair. "Why don't I teach you?"

Raine's eyes opened as she kept clenching her throat. She didn't have much time left, if she didn't do something soon. She'd die along with Vanilla. "This better work," She crossed her legs ignoring the tight grip on her throat. She shut off her surroundings focusing solely on Vanilla. She began to see flames and a blonde haired vampire choking her. Vanilla's feet were dangling in the air as the woman choked the life out of her. "I have to do something,"  Wait, Vanilla's weapon it's made of shell, she can control it. She just needed to.

Raine tried to maintain her meditation while forcing her fingers together without breaking the connection. She used what strength she had left to snap her fingers. The second she did, the divine shell on Vanilla's bow expanded. It covered her entire body and enveloped her in light weight armor made entirely out of divine shell. A material she could control. She took control of Vanilla's body and kicked the woman off her.

The tight grip on Raine's throat disappeared and she focused solely on fighting the woman using Vanilla's body to do it. She couldn't maintain it for long having just learned how to connect with Vanilla. So she had to make the fight quick. She had Vanilla create a barricade, so she could run, it was the least she could do under short notice.

"She's safe," Raine rubbed her throat. She returned to her meditation focusing on Vanilla. She watched as Vanilla ran through town saving civilians. She was still wearing the outfit that Raine made her. This was just in case, Raine needed to save her again. Though the moment of peace was short lived.

"What do we have here?" Lord Alexander appeared in front of Vanilla. Raine's eyes shot open and the link was broken. Lord Alexander, he's here? This is bad, Lord Alexander was targeting her and if he found out. Vanilla and her were linked. He'd kill her just to get rid of her. She shut her eyes and began meditating, recreating the link.

"That is an interesting outfit you have on." Lord Alexander began to slowly walk toward her. "Raine really went out of her way to protect you." Vanilla took out her bow aiming her arrows at him. "That must mean you're really important to her," He kept walking closer to her, Vanilla took a step back. "Dare I say that your safety must be a matter of life or death."

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