{Chapter 14} The Other Marley

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“What do you mean?” I asked.


“Oh you know what I mean, how you can’t seem to remember certain events in the past, like a year ago. You’ve remembered a few now, but not the really important stuff.” I said as I frowned.


“Well how is that my fault? What do you remember everything?” I asked as I smirked.


“Yes I do, I’m the Marley that remembers everything that’s happened to us in the last year. I remember it all…” I said with a sigh, it seemed like my memory self was sad. “Well of course I’m sad! There are things that have happened in the past that I miss and want to get back to!”


“Well then why don’t you just tell me!” I exclaimed as she sighed.


“Because, you need to let down this wall before I can fill your mind with our memories.” She said as I cocked an eyebrow at her, “See this wall, is what is keeping the memories I have from you. It’s…. it’s what keeping the past Marley from the Present Marley, which is you.”


“I don’t understand…” I said as she sighed.


“Ugh… when did I become so dumb?” she questioned as I frowned at myself.


“Hey, if you’re insulting me, then you are just insulting yourself.” I said with my arms crossed as she smiled.


“Alright, well anyways, like I said this wall is the thing that is keeping you from actually remembering everything. If you would just let the wall down, I can fill you in to all what’s happened.” She said as I groaned.


“But how do I do that?” I asked as she groaned this time.


“You just let it down, you have to want to get your memories back.” She said as I sighed.


“I want to get my memories back…” I said as she cocked an eyebrow at me.


“But..?” she asked as I sighed, and then I heard myself gasp as I looked up at her looking at me with wide eyes, “You’re afraid!”


“What no!” I lied as she nodded.


“Yes you are, you’re afraid that something happened between Fred and us, and you’re afraid of what you can’t remember!” she exclaimed as I felt the blush form on my cheeks.


“So what? Look nothing is going on with Fred and us.”


“That’s not what last night said,” I heard myself say with a sly smirk as I felt my face heat up.


I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora