30. Kiss it better

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What the heck is so important in there? "I said I brought your stuff' I repeated to get her attention, she stopped typing and my pocket buzzed, I took out my phone to see a notification "Grumpy artist replied to your comment on their post"
Ji-ah: "Sorry, I was just replying to these sweet comments, see!!" she practically threw the phone on my face, a huge smile on her face. "This person is so sweet, always dropping encouraging comments on my posts, you know he made me realize that even if only 30 people like my posts, if those 30 people walk right through that door to see my paintings I would be over the moon," Ji-ah told me with a dreamy face and I smiled. After all, the person who made her smile was me.

Ji-ah: "Anyways, What took you so long? Seems like you went far away, not next door"

"What? No.." I would've completed that sentence if Ji-ah's phone didn't interrupt, she picked up the call and her expression changed with every passing minute, First disappointment, then shock mixed with surprise, and then disbelief. She hung up and silence, her eyes dropped to her phone, then they shifted to me. Inching closer, I asked her "What's wrong?"

Ji-ah: 'Nothing's wrong" she said with a shocked face, "It was the lady from that crafts store, she... she said that all my cards are sold and they want more," she said chuckling with disbelief "That's amazing Ji-ah! Congratulations why are you so shocked, smile " I shook her shoulders. "Come on! Let's go I have to do a lot, they want the cards tomorrow" she said rushing to the living room and I followed her. "What about Choi Su ah's portrait?" I asked her, "There's still time for that"

Ji-ah immediately started on the greeting cards and I watched her enthusiasm with contentment, I helped her a bit in cutting and pasting, and after some time when my part was done, I decided to leave her in her heaven, because I know that she can't focus around people. Ji-ah needs her space to work and create.


Han seojun just bought flowers, he finally decided to ask Ji-ah out. He walked up to her in the school field, stopped behind her, and tapped her shoulder. Ji-ah turned around a wide smile on her face but it dropped when she noticed the flowers.
Han seojun: " I like you Ji-ah, I really like you Will you go on a date with me?"
Ji-ah just laughed sinisterly, she shoved the flowers out of his hands, Han seojun watched them as they hit the ground, shattering his heart into tiny pieces.
Ji-ah: "Do you really think I would go out with you? A guy who's pinning over his friend's girlfriend. Never"
"But I don't like her like that not anymore " Han seojun pleaded with her.

"Poor Lee su, He doesn't deserve a friend like you, I wish I had met him earlier," She said and walked past him. "Ji-ah wait, please! I'm not trying to ruin their relationship, I don't care about them, I only care about you" Han seojun grabbed her wrist, desperately trying to hold on to her "I don't believe you, I believe Lee su ho" she yanked her wrist out of his grasp and walked away.
"Ji-ah wait please don't go, don't leave me Ji ah-ya!"

My eyes shot open, It took me a good few minutes to realize that it was a dream. A ridiculous dream. I wanted to laugh but deep down I felt scared. Seeing Ji-ah with Lee su ho messed me up. I couldn't help but think about the worst outcome possible.

I walked out of my room to get some water. I shut the door quietly and turned around, my eyes landed on a sleeping figure in the living room. It was Ji-ah, her painting was sitting on the easel, a beautiful portrait painted but this beautiful girl. The paints were still out there on the palette. I walked closer to her, she was lying on the couch. Her hair were sprawled all over the couch, half of them cascading down. She was beautiful.

I went back to my room to get her a blanket. I was tucking her in when she stirred and I almost stopped breathing but she just shifted to her side and I finally exhaled. Phew that was a close call. I should go back to my room, go back to sleep but I couldn't make myself do that. So I sat beside the couch on the floor to admire her. Today I almost kissed her, again... And she gave in again... I remember how her eyes fluttered close at the arcade and how she leaned in today.

Koi No Yokan ___ Inevitable LoveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat