Chapter 11.

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The hall barely went quiet as I entered it. It was dimly lit, with beige walls, and a smooth marble floor. The sounds of tapping feet, the sight of the flashing eyes and the bewitching outfits.

It was quite an extravagant affair, if I do say so myself.'

Heads soon began to turn, as being the crown princess does attract attention. Princes from different kingdoms, their eyes sweeping me up and down, analyzing me like I was a cloth they were thinking of buying.

I despised it.

"Care to dance, m'lady?" one of them asked.

They had blonde hair, and bright blue eyes, and a light blush decorated his cheeks.

I didn't want to dance, much less be at this ball, but I remembered the time in my rooms, and I just smiled.

"Sure." I said. "I'm Princess Estella."

"Prince Sebastin." he replied, and he took both my hands in his, and we danced.

For all his glamour, Sebastien was a horrendous dancer, and I glanced around, my attention wandering, when I spotted him. Watching me.


He was dressed in a formal black tuxedo, with black pants. His ever-present, aggravating smirk was on his face, and one hand was in his dark, silky hair, dark as sin.

His eyes however, were annoyed. His perfectly sculpted, pale hands were clenched and he strode towards us.

Why was he here? It took all my restraint not to march towards him and punch him in the face. 

Arian smirked at Sebastien, but his eyes were cold. "Time to change partners, eh?" He asked cooly.

Sebastien dropped my hands at once, and nodded. He grinned at me, and left.

Arian bowed, a sign of mockery. "May I have this dance, darling?"

"Why are you here?" I growled. "Well, that's a bit harsh." he crossed his arms, and gave me a scolding look. "Didn't Daddy teach you to be polite? Oh wait, a fine person to teach you how to be polite."

I agreed with the dig about my dad, but I wasn't about to agree with him on anything.

"He taught me not to be polite to gits."

"I'm hurt!" Arian put one dramatic hand to his heart.

"My words matter?" I smirked, deciding to play his game. "I didn't know my opinion was so valued."

He glared at me, and I laughed. Refusing to be rattled, he raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms, pouting, reminding me a little of Clement, who reminded me of my mother.

Clement, who was dead because of him...

My arch-nemises, my once childhood friend. 

"Have I told you how hideous you look tonight?"

I glanced up, and glared at him, despite being glad to be annoyed into the present. "No, as a matter of a fact." I said. "Tell me."

"I can't" he said, rubbing his chin and frowning. "I must inform the nurse of my eye defects."

"I must inform you that I'd appreciate it if you get the heck out."

"What distinguished language."  he drawled. "Just one dance, princess."

"Why do you desire one so much?" I questioned. 

"Well, if you don't want to know what I want to tell you." he said, a spark in his eyes as he began to dance away.

"Wait!" I called. 

He turned around, barely concealing his triumphant smirk.

"One last dance, Prince" I spat the last part in a mocking voice. "Tell me what you want to tell me, and then get out."

Little did I know my world would once again be upended.

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