Chapter 7

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I remembered racing through the glen with Arian, back when we were young, and innocent, and we didn't have our royal burdens weighing on our shoulders. I raced ahead of him, my black hair whipping in the wind, laughing, wild ecstasy on my face, my bare feet almost flying.

Arian was close behind, a competitive gleam in his sparkling eyes. His dark hair was longer, his smile wider, nothing like the icy, mocking smirk he wore now. 

Seven year old me dashed across the finish line and declared. "I win!"

Arian came at a close second. "No fair." he complained. "You had a head-start."

"I'm still faster." I grinned at him. He gave me an annoyed look, but his mouth twitching undermined it. "You are very annoying."

"I'm sorry." I said petuantly. "I'm just better."

For a second, just a second, his present sneer flashed across his face, but it disapated when he saw her smile at him. "You could have let me win though." he said. "It would be stratigic surrender."

I laughed at this, and gave him a look. "I don't surrender."

(Present Day)

I fired the same thing I said to him all those years ago. "I don't surrender, Prince Arian."

He regained his bearings, and locked eyes on me. His eyes were full of anger. 

"You thought I would surrender." he said. "I don't give up, not ever. Carry that message to your dear father, King Stephan."
He practically spat the last words, and I almost gasped at the hatred in them. He hated my father almost more than he hated me.

He was giving me a loathful look, but when he spoke, his voice was laced with pity. "Poor girl." he said mockingly. "I really thought you'd figure it out."
He laughed without humor. "Go back, Princess." he said, his voice dripping with poison. "Have a little thought about your darling father." 

I was speechless. Mind reeling, I turned to leave, he called my name once more. 

"Remember this." he said. "I have made my move. Now, you must make yours."

"Oh, I will." I replied, my confidence returning. "And you have my guarentee. It'll be something you won't expect."

I marched out of the palace, a cold feeling of apprehension in my veins. 

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