Part 1

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All was good and well at the apartment at the moment. Andy and his girlfriend Hayley we're over at Hayley's place, and Chris and his girlfriend Maria were out on a date. This left Spencer by his lonesome at the apartment. As he had begun to grow more and more bored and lonely as time went on, an idea had slipped into his head. He automatically rushed to the phone to dial the number of his best friend Ash. As always, she picked it up on the first ring.
"What's up, Spencer?"
"Oh, hey Ash, I was just wondering if you'd like to come over and have a little horror movie marathon with me?"
"Um, does Freddy Krueger target children?"
"I'll take that as a yes," Spencer said with a slight chuckle.
"Absolutely! I'll be over in a minute, I just have to get ready, okay?"
"Okay, bye!"
Spencer spent the last 15-30 minutes preparing the movies, snacks, and a comfortable place to sit. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Spencer quickly rushed over just to open the door to Ash looking as beautiful as ever. He had to look anywhere else to keep from staring.
"Come on in," he said gesturing inside.
"Wow, you really went all out for this, didn't you?" She said, smirking at him. At this comment, a light blush had settled upon Spencer's cheeks. After the semi-awkward silence had faded, they both settled into the couch.
"So," Spencer started, glancing over at Ash, "What movie should we start with?"
Ash contemplated this for a moment before she responded.
"What about Resident Evil? I really found a liking to that one,"
"Oh, really? Me too! Yeah we can start off with that one!"
As they began to get through a couple of movies, Spencer noticed that Ash had rested her head upon his shoulder. His heart fluttered at the sight. He was not, however, expecting her to look up at him and catch him in his moment of awe. Time seemed to come to a stop as their eyes locked. Spencer began to slowly lean in. He quickly caught himself as he looked away, flushed and embarrassed. He suddenly felt smaller hands lightly holding his face and bringing his mouth to hers. The kiss was full of passion and lasted for what felt like an eternity. They both slowly pulled away as time began to speed up again.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry if that was too straightforward, I've just been holding this in for too long and-" Spencer cut off her rambling with another kiss, this one more full of fervor and lust.
"Me too," he replied, gazing at her as though she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Their moment was interrupted by the front door slamming open and a very loud Chris entering.
"Hey Spencer! I just got back from my date with Maria and-" he paused in a stunned silence at the couple on the couch. His startlement quickly changed to smugness as he replied, "Oh! Am I interrupting anything?"
Spencer's face quickly turned to a deep shade of red. Ash turned to him and whispered, "See you tomorrow, sweetheart," as she gave him a peck on the cheek and got up to leave. Once she was out the door Spencer turned to Chris,
"You're going to tell everyone aren't you?"
"Well, Maria already called it, but Andy owes me $10!"

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