Chapter 6-Push and Pull

Start from the beginning

Teresa was the one to laugh. He thought he could demand them of anything? Who the fuck did he think they were? She moved in front of the girls. Adriano thought he could use that tone with them. Intimidate them? Hell no. Not in front of her. "Nothing wrong?" She asked. His eyes lowered to her and he put his arm out as if he knew she would target Dionne the moment she could.

Luciano taught her that kind of thing. Strike at the enemy when they're vulnerable and right now, his woman was. She was targeted by three of them.

"She knew you were screwing my fucking best friend! Playing with her feelings whether you meant or not Adriano! You knew all along. She told you she wanted more. Instead of talking to her about it and walking away from it, you got back in her fucking bed again and then you left. You ghost her and you show up with her?!"

Teresa was in full rage and protective mode as if she was a mother protecting her children. Who was this man she was staring at? Her Adriano would've never done this to any woman he cared for. The audacity for Dionne to claim Nina was just sex? That's the description he gave? What did he make her out to look like?

It was bullshit. They were friends first and he loved her like it. He cared for her and he acted as if he didn't care about her feelings.

He was being a jackass, an asshole and Teresa wouldn't stand for it.

Dante's eyes narrowed as he saw Teresa's fist balling just the way he taught her when she punched that bag. She was ticking every second. His eyes slid up to Adriano and smirked.

He'll need some ice soon.

Dionne laid her hand on Adriano's arm but he wouldn't move it. "Listen" She sighed. It was obvious the three women disliked her because of Adriano and because she knew their friend was screwing her man. "I would never stand for another woman's heartbreak intentionally by my man. But lady's heartbreak is everywhere. How can I be upset with him for accidentally doing it to her? Just as your friend, Adriano should've gotten out of the situation as well" She glared at Adriano during the last bit.

"However I am aware I am not welcome so I will leave. I apologize for the mess I've caused"

Accidentally? Nina wanted to say. No, he knew what the fuck he was doing, she mused.

Adriano didn't have just her looking stupid but Dionne too.

Adriano turned to call out for Dionne but she was walking away. He groaned and faced Teresa with begging eyes. "Teresa please don't-" Chairs were pushed out and Dante was up and stunned as they all saw Teresa throw not a slap but a punch at Adriano. Nala's eyes widened as they slid to Luciano who was standing at the head of the table.

Teresa breathed heavily as not even she expected herself to do such a thing. Adriano stared at her as he wiped the blood off his lip. "Teresa" He reached out but she pulled away and shook her head.

This is what she wanted to avoid. Tears welled in her eyes not just for what she's done, but what he did, what he did to their friendship, to Nina, and what Luciano did too. Georgia grabbed her arm but she pulled away, not wanting to be touched.

"Look what you've done!" She yelled. "Look at her! Look at her Adriano!" She screamed as she pointed at Nina. Her best friend dripped with tears as she stared at him. He sighed. "Are you so fucking blind to see she's in love with you?! All of this time, you've been with her. And she told you, she told you she wanted more and instead of stepping away knowing you had another woman, you took advantage of her emotions and you fucked her over and over again! How dare you disrespect her like that? Just sex? How dare you disrespect me like that?" She stabbed her finger into her chest and Teresa didn't care how crazy she looked. Didn't care that she was yelling, her vocals aching and crying.

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