Sᴄʜo̶o̶ʟ... ʏᴀʏ...

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beep! beep! beep!

The sound of the alarm filled the room, much to the sleeping ghost's dislike.

"ugh..." M/n groaned.

"First day of school... yay..." M/n grumbled sarcastically as he grabbed his uniform out of the wooden dresser.

M/n was tired, extremely tired. He spent most, if not all of last night wondering how the hell he was going to return home.

"Wait...," M/n paused, "This is a magic school... I still don't know how to use magic... I'm screwed."


M/n exited his room, fully dressed to the best of his ability, but, of course he had to add his own touch to the uniform.

His blazer seemed slightly oversized, the sleeves long enough to cover his hands. Under his blazer, instead of a vest was his classic pink sweater. His shirt was slightly unbuttoned as his tie hung loosely around his neck.

Despite the warmer temperatures M/n still had his red scarf hung around his neck. Lastly the Pomefiore armband was were it should be, and, what he very recently found out was, his magic pen in his breast pocket.

He tried his best to remember what was discussed at orientation and how to get to the school. Thankfully there where other students in the hallways who he could follow.

He followed as they all walked into a decorated room with a rather large, oval mirror.

Each student walked through one by one. If M/n didn't know better he'd think they were disappearing before his eyes.

Once most of the other students went through M/n stepped forward.

"Here goes nothing..."

M/n closed his eyes as he stepped into the mirror.

The room he appeared in was crowded with students and the hallways weren't any better.

M/n grabbed his, now slightly crumbled, schedule out of his pocket.

It had the basic information on the front: His class, number, etc. While the back of the paper had a mini map of the school.

"This is going to be a long day..." M/n sighed.

He headed to his home room class to start the day.


M/n has miraculously survived his first day... almost...

He made the terrible mistake of forgetting his lab coat. Luckily, it wasn't needed for class today, but he was still lectured.

'It's over... I never want to go to school again...' M/n groaned as he walked down the empty halls.


The familiar sound of glass breaking caught his attention.

'What was that? It came from the cafeteria... Should I check it out? What's if it's a monster?'


'Well.... It won't hurt to just take a peak inside...'

M/n poked his head inside the cafeteria. There were three boys and the cat that set him on fire.

'It's that fire cat... He's still here? I thought they kicked him out?!'

M/n may or may not have been holding a small grudge on the creature for almost setting his beautiful locks of hair on fire.

He finally took notice of the broken chandelier that lied in the middle of the floor.

'Holy shit, that looks expensive... did they break it?'

M/n's attention was then directed by the footsteps heading down the hall.

M/n dipped out of the cafeteria and continued walking like he had seen nothing, only to awkwardly twist his ankle right before he turned a corner.

Once he was completely out of sight M/n's neutral expression turned into one of pain as he held his ankle.

"Holy- That hurt!!" He yelped.

M/n, well, being a ghost and all, was much more used to floating everywhere, so things like the later almost never happens.

Though it would raise suspicion if his new classmates just saw him floating everywhere with no problems whatsoever.

Once the pain in M/n's ankle resided he continued his painfully slow walk to his dorm.

What was probably not even two minuets felt like forever to the ghost.

'Why does this school have to be so big? And the teachers are strict, the curriculum is way harder then it needs to be, and-' M/n continued naming numerous things he didn't like about the magic school until he reached the mirror room.

Once he had entered the room, he let out a shaky sigh of relief.

The person watching him was finally gone.

Sure, M/n was a little stupid and didn't seem like the type to pay much attention to his surroundings. But you shouldn't let looks deceive you.

The piercing gaze he felt on him since class ended put him on edge... and whoever was watching him knew that.


Sorry for the short chapter. :,)


783 words

Gʜo̶sᴛ Bo̶ʏ {Twisted Wonderland x Mitsuba Reader}Where stories live. Discover now