Ch. 1 Mrs. Bitch

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^^This is who I cast as McKinnley, thoughts?

Present Day-Junior Year

I take my time getting out of the shower and stepping into my room. After three years at an all-girl school you get pretty careless in appearances. Well, I did anyway.

I put on the required uniform, which by the way is the typical knee high socks, plaid skirt, and white button up. I look like I was just turned down for a role in the "Oops I did it again" video. I sighed before throwing my shoulder length, blonde hair into a high pony tail. I skip the make-up because I don't care what these girls think of me.

I scoop up my backpack and grab my iPhone before leaving my bedroom.

"McKinnley," mom said, stopping me from walking out the front door.


"Don't forget that your dad and I will be out tonight for his business dinner."

"Right, so I'll see ya'll tonight then?"

"Well, it'll probably be pretty late. So don't wait up for us."

I shrugged before walking out of the house. I glanced down at my phone and realized I was running very, very late. I jumped in my charcoal grey two door Chevy Cobalt, or as I like to call her, Coby. I threw her in reverse and backed out as quick as I could into the street. I didn't even turn my music on. That's how late I was this morning.

I pulled up to the enormous brick building that is Winston Academy. I swear, it is like being in prison. No members of the opposite sex except for those in charge of you, disgusting food, and absolutely no freedom. Add no fun to that list, too. Definitely no fun being had here.

I make it to my first period class as the bell is ringing. My teacher, Mrs. Gail slams the door before I can reach the handle.

"Bitch." I groan in frustration.

This is the third time she has done that to me this semester. So, of course, now I have to walk down to the office and receive a tardy slip and a lecture.

"Now, Ms. Williams you know the school protocol. I am forced to call your parents to let them know about your third tardy," Mrs. Samples said.

Mrs. Samples is an elderly secretary for the principal. She looks and acts really sweet. Catch her on a bad day though and she'll show you why she was made to be at Winston Academy. They don't hire "sweet" people.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course, Mrs. Samples," I replied taking the tardy slip.

"Now, try not to give Mrs. Gail too much hell when you get back to class."

I smiled. This was why she was my favorite person here.

"Yeah, Mrs. Samples. I'll try."

I exited the office and knocked on Mrs. Gail's door. She greeted me with a snarl of pure disgust. I have no idea why this woman hates me but I guess I really don't care. I gave her my tardy slip which she threw away immediately.

Her class is the slowest of the day. The rest of the day I just walk numbly from class to class. Don't get me wrong, I do have some friends here. But, with my luck we don't see each other until lunch.

The bell rings signaling the end of fifth period and the beginning of lunch time. I practically jog to the cafeteria. The only highlight of my day is seeing Brittany, Jenny, and Alex. When I finally reach the cafeteria they turn and smile at me.

"Hey hottie, I heard that Mrs. Bitch shut you out again," Brittany said causing Jenny to look at me in disbelief.

"You have got to be kidding me. What the hell did you do to make her hate you?" Jenny asked, swirling her food around her tray. Seriously, the food is awful. We don't eat it very often.

"Guys, I have told you a thousand times. I have no clue why she hates me she just does."

I look to Alex expecting some kind of smart remark about how Mrs. Gail probably has some lesbian obsession with me but she remains silent.

Jenny and I lock eyes and I motion over to Alex with my head. Since Alex is staring at her tray I mouth "What is her deal" to Jenny and Brittany.

They both look equally as confused as me as they shrugged their shoulders.

"Alex, is something wrong?" I finally ask, voicing the whole table's thoughts.

She looks up at us startled, like she is just noticing that we are here.

"No, I think I'm just tired. I'm going to go to the nurse."

She threw her tray away and walked out of the cafeteria doors. The rest of us remained staring at the doors like they were going to contain some answer to all of our questions. The lunch bell rang breaking all of us out of our thoughts.

"Well, guys, I'll see you after we get out of this hell hole," Brittany said before jumping up and leaving just Jenny and me.

I smiled at Jenny and took off to my last two classes. When I passed by the bathroom on my way to 6th period I heard someone throwing up. I continued walking but then I heard the same person start crying. Since this person sounded like they were on the verge of hyperventilating, I walked in to check on them. Immediately, I knew who the person on the inside of that stall was. She was wearing her signature, one of a kind, red converse. Which, clashes very badly with our uniforms.

"Uhm, Alex?" I asked tentatively from the outside of the stall.

The door swung open to reveal Alex, crumbled into a ball on the floor. She had something in her hands but I couldn't make out what it was. I joined her in the stall and put my hand out to her. Instead of her taking my hand and standing up like I had planned on, she dropped something into it.

Confused, I looked down. In my hand was a pregnancy test. A very obviously positive, pregnancy test.

Oh, no...

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