Chapter One

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Hello my dear readers! Hope y'all enjoy, and this story's formatted and edited by ForgottenTrees so give her a round of applause!

**Trigger warning:**
Gore, death, and blood

~Gregs POV~

"Once upon-" I started to state, holding an old book that seems to have seen many, many centuries of tales written inside, but there was nothing. Not even a drop of ink inside the aged pages that seemed almost ancient.

"No, you can't start a story like that, you have to be original, not like those old story tellers." Quinn said.

As I looked up at him, I noticed his eyes, they were the colour of the ocean and almost seemed to be glowing at even the smallest glance, but that was just the candle-light reflecting off them. I sighed deeply, "Then how do I start the story?" I asked, giving a blank stare only a tired worker could muster as I thought about it.

"Ugh, make it more interesting, not like a princess tale, make it investing to the reader." He said as he sighed tiredly.

"Alright, alright, how's about, 'On the evening of a seemingly normal Tuesday, as I walked down a narrow alley-way, A black cat crossed my path, as if it foretelling my bad luck. Making my way down the now empty alley, had never made it seem so abandoned, making me feel weary of what could be lurking around.'" I say, knowing he couldn't say no to that.

"Perfect start to an interesting story, now just continue with that and it should be amazing by the end of the story." Quinn mumbled tiredly.

I chuckle a little at Quinn predictability and start writing on the paper, it's rough texture against the tip of the pen makes a light scratching noise, although a bit annoying I continue to write. Now as the world around me fell away to the back of my mind I felt drawn into my little world of writing, I select one of the many paths this story could take as I continue to write. Every small move I make let's out a noise from the chair beneath me but I ignore it and continue with the story that is now falling from my head straight to the paper.

As I write, I notice that the things that once settled to the background left white spaces and faded into the other white spaces as more and more objects disappeared. The ceiling slowly turned white like the other things but I couldn't bother to look around, still immersed in my story writing. The floor fell away from my barely touching feet but I still wouldn't look up, I couldn't. My eyes felt glued to the pages and my hand gripped the pen so tight it felt like it would crumble in my grasp. Then I finally looked up as the table turned white and the  chair beneath me left me to float in the white, holding the book that housed my story and the pen that I had gripped so hard I felt confusion set in. A small window of strange light appeared in front of me. I look at it closely, perplexed. I've never seen anything like that before. A floating beam of light that stayed. It clearly had the text 'Ready to enter the game?' and only one answer underneath the text 'Yes.'

Strangely, This happened to millions of people around the world on this day. Only very few would return with their lives from this horrid game that only a psychopath could come up with.

I stay still, confused about what I'm supposed to do with this light thingamajig. I try to poke it and it seems like I interacted with the 'Yes' button. How did I hit the light? The light faded away quickly. I quickly fell into a place that wasn't of my world. It seemed like a dreaded hellscape with monsters that could be heard all around. A large monster that was larger than anything I had ever seen came towards the place I had just been summoned in. I noticed a small hiding space and I sat inside, hoping it was sturdy enough to keep the pressure of the monsters wrath.

"I would never have a chance, even if I were to try to fight back I would be torn to shreds." I whisper under my breath trying to make sense of the situation, my thought process gets interrupted as a thinking comes closer. It heard me.

I then hear a noise coming from the monster, a screeching that could burst saw me. I tried to flee to the best of my ability but it's too late. The monster grabs me by the collar of my shirt, effectively swinging me around in the air and choking me in the process. I know I'm not getting away unscathed yet I still can't help but to scratch at the monsters arm, begging for it to let me down so that the hellish and smoggy air can refill my lungs.

The monsters arm felt gruff and sharp but I still kept trying. Amidst my struggle I heard a pattering behind me and then a yell, "LET HIM DOWN, YOU FILTHY HELLBEAST!"

An arrow shot into the monsters neck, which quickly pulled my thought process away from the woman's voice and my escape. The long fall caused my legs to smash into the ground, effectively breaking one of them and spraining my other knee.  Blood splattered to the hot floor beneath me. I was still alive. Still alive- but in pain. My stomach churned under my skin due to the pain.

"Are you alright? That was a bad fall." asked the woman who rescued me, rushing over.

My leg had broken in two and parts of the bone stuck out of my skin. The sight of the gore made me nauseous. "I'm fine-" I groaned holding back my puke and trying not to pass out.

She picked me up bridal style and hauled me away carefully, as to not hurt my legs any more.

"That was a close call, I'm surprised you even survived that fall." The woman says, running carefully as to not trip on any of the rubble that lies on the ground.

The beast slowly stops wobbling and looks directly at us, running towards us at top speed. As I see this, I freeze from the fear. The woman, still holding me, starts running faster, already knowing that the beast is chasing us.

We get inside a small bunker in the nick of time. The air smells musty with mold and a mixture of other scents that are not easily identifiable at a quick sniff of the air. The area is dark until the woman finds what she was looking for, a flint and steal, and it takes a few tries before she makes any sparks, immediately picking up the cotton and blowing on it, then putting it on a surface that looks like a table. My eyes then adjusted a bit more so I can see a bit, but it's still dim as the fire starts to burn. The room illuminated with a dim light, and it isn't big,  the size of a walk in closet with a table and not much else.

Hope y'all enjoyed! I love this story already and I hope y'all do too!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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