🌜Chapter 10🌛

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Morgan was back at home with Charlie and her mother. She was afraid of what her mother was gonna do when Charlie leaves as she couldn't go down the reservation as Sam was at work and Emily was at the hospital doing a shift cover for someone. The two other lads went back to school. Bella got in trouble she spent the night in Jail got given a restraining order to not go within 50 feet of Emily Young and Sam Uley. She got verbally scoled if she harms Morgan again she will have her rights stripped and custody taken away.

Bella scoff and threw tantrum like a one year old but gave up as she knew she wasn't getting her own way with Charlie. Morgan was completely terrfied of what her mother would do to her. Charlie left for work but little did Bella know, he installed security cameras to keep on eye on her and to keep as evidence. The second he left Bella grabbed Morgan roughly," now you and I are going to crash a baseball game and you are gonna do everything I tell you do you understand me?" She told her ominously. Morgan nodded shakily.

Bella took Morgan viciously by the hand and yanked the poor girl out. They headed to the field where the cullens were playing baseball. They all noticed Bella and Morgan arriving. Edward was shocked and appalled that Bella came here even though he told her she wasn't welcome. She manipulated them into letting her stay as she showed them a recorded conversation between her and Edward. Morgan crept near Emmett and Jasper not wanting to be near Bella or the other women in the field. She watched them play baseball, she cheered for Jasper and Emmett but when she saw the glare her mother gave she stopped smiling and hid away. All of a sudden she heard Alice shout Stop! All the cullens gathered hiding Bella and Morgan despite Bella being an complete pain in the ass they couldn't let her or Morgan get killed by the normads. Emmett and Japser hid Morgan pretty well and Jspser told her to stay hidden as bad people are coming and she can't be seen by them.

Morgan couldn't see what was happening but she could tell it wasn't good by how everyone was standing she took a sneak peak and saw three terrifying people with red eyes in front of her. She grabbed jasper hand and squeezed it. Jasper sensed her fear and brought major out to protect her. James one of the normads smelt Bella and tried to attack. The cullens got into defensive position and give warning growls to the three standing in front of them. The leader got them to back off but James and Victoria noticed Morgan aswell as Bella. Edward wanted to get the girls out of there but Carlisle had a different plan. " Take Morgan to the rez, I'll phone ahead trust me Sam will protect Morgan but Bella well have to get you out for town." Edward nodded in understanding. Jasper took Morgan as Morgan only wanted jasper around her. Sam was waiting for Morgan in hsi wolf form by the treaty line as he got home and Emily told him that Morgan is in danger normads we're after her and she needed protection.

Jasper took Morgan out the car and took her to Sam, she smiled when she saw Sam's wolf. She gave his head a hug, Sam wolf licked her face and rubbed her arms with his head and growled in thanks to Jasper for bringing her. Morgan went over to Japser and hugged him" Stay safe all of you and don't panic about me I'm safe with Sam." She told him with care. She climbed on Sam's back and they headed home to the pack house. Where Paul, Jared and Emily were awaiting their arrival. Paul ran over to get Morgan safely down and sniffed her out making sure she wasn't bitten or injured. He could smell Jasper and Emmett but he was okay with them as Morgan was fine with them.

Hours had past,Charlie was made aware Morgan was bought here. He told them that Bella came and that she was leaving him and Morgan that she hated Forks and that she didn't want to be stuck with them anymore. Sam felt sorry for Charlie and Morgan being stuck with a person like her. Morgan fell asleep in Paul's lap, Charlie phoned Billy and Sam to tell them that Bella was in phoenix hospital and that he won't be back till Thursday night. The pack was happy have Morgan around, she was their life and soul around here. Sam couldn't help but feel like she was his other reason to live apart from Emily. Jared and Paul felt the same way as he did.

Bella and Charlie returned, Bella got injured and had to wear a cast for a while. Morgan was happy the Cullens returned home safely, She really likes having Jasper and Emmett around. Prom came around pretty quickly for Bella and she managed to get Edward to take her prom. Morgan was having a granddaughter and grandad night in and watching Disney films.

Morgan and Bella birthday was slowly approaching. The Cullen's wanted to celebrate their birthdays. Alice bought both girls presents. Jake actually come to see Morgan but Bella thought he was there for her instead."Morgan Hey sweetpea I got you something. Do you like it? It's a wolf dream catcher." She smiles and hugged her present and gave jake a kiss. Bella Scoffs at this and walks away with Edward as she expected the attention to be on her not on Morgan. She hated that she had share her birthday with own child.

The two Swans went to their birthday party, Morgan never had her birthday celebrated before and she's doesn't know what to expect from this party. Jasper and Emmett were with Morgan as they could tell she was new to the whole party thing and wanted to make it special for her. The party was going well, Alice made it really good for Bella but she forgot Morgan again. Jasper noticed how Morgan was sad that Alice didn't even think to get her anything only Bella.

The night went okay, until Bella purposely cut her finger on paper. All hell broke loose as Jaspee shoved Morgan to the side to attack Bella Emmett and Carlisle both held him back but Edward decided to make things worse by shoving Bella into a glass table which set Jasper off further. The night ended in chaos and the two Swans got taken home once Bella got stitched up and Morgan checked over.

Morgan went to Sam's for the remaining time. She was definitely a wolf girl by heart as she loves her wolves. Paul sometimes disobeys Sam and show his wolf and gives Morgan wolfy cuddles and wolf rides and let her sleep next to him. Sam doesn't tell him off at the time only when Morgan goes home as he can see Morgan adores Paul wolf side. Jared acts like big brother to her and always steals her more sweets and fruit for them to munch on. The five of them were about to watch a movie when Billy called to say Bella had disappeared and the Cullens are gone. Sam had to go and find her and the boys had to bring Morgan home.

Bella was eventually found in woods, according to an eye witness that she followed Edward into the woods and he came out she never came out with him. All she kept saying was he gone there gone to her dad. Charlie just shook his at this and he couldn't believe that she followed at boy who wasn't dating her into the woods and he left her there. Morgan stayed with jake the entrie time as she felt connected to him now like she was his to be near.

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