💜Chapter 5💜

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Charlie returned home with Morgan, who spoke the entrie road home. But the second they pulled up on the driveway, she stopped and returned to being non verbal. She was afraid to speak at home." Morgan don't be afraid of talking in my house, your mother wil not harm you while I'm around ever." Charlie spoke with sincerity and a resuring smile. Morgan looked up at her papa, and gave him the sweetest smile ever. She nods in understanding and she said meekly "I'll try papa I promise." Charlie gives her a smile.

The duo walks into the house to see Bella fuming at them. Morgan shrinks behind Charlie in shire panic and fear of her mother." Where's my food?! Why is she back?! I'm the important one around here not her!" She shouted furiously at them. Charlie looked at her with anger," Enough! Bella, I've told you already that you are to do your own dinner as I don't get back till seven now. Morgan is important to me as she my granddaughter in case you haven't noticed. You need to quit this behaviour and grow up!" Bella stomped up to her room.

Morgan peeked to make sure she was gone. "Papa can I stay with you tonight? I'm scared that mama will come into my room." She said stared out of her mind. Charlie looked at her and said "of course little one." The two went to bed and Charlie put Alice in Wonderland on for Morgan after they had supper and he ran Morgan a bath." Morgan?" She looked up to Charlie." Are you enjoying Forks and The reservation? Charlie asked her with curious eyes. She thought about it and thought how her day was with the la push lot and she looked up either bright eyes" I love it here papa, I like living with you, being with Sam, Emily everyone but I love being with Jake and Embry the most" she expressed happily.

Charlie couldn't help but smile when she said she loved being with him and the lads down la push. He wants to take Bella to court for custody but he wants to try and get Bella help first. Morgan fell asleep next to her papa. The two Swans enjoyed their time together. Meanwhile crazy Bella was obsessing over the Cullens especially one Edward Cullen to be exact. She was planning on finding out their secret and making them hers. She was jealous and possessive over things she didn't know.

Morgan got ready for a day at La Push, Charlie wasn't around when Bella decided to be nasty with Morgan. Bella grabbed her by the hair" listen here you little brat, them lot down La Push are mine I'll be down there one day and you will not be taking them. Jake is mine! You tell papa about this and I'll kill you! Do you understand me?!"She snaped at her viscously. Morgan shakily nodded and ran away from her mother. Bella put in her sweet girl act and left for school, Charlie got downstairs and saw a very shaken up Morgan.he rushed over to her, "Morgan? what happened? has she done something to you?!" He asked quickly. Morgan shook her head refusing to answer him.

Charlie sighed knowing she was too frighten to speak to him right now. He hopes that Sam or someone down thr res could get her to say what happened whilst he was in the shower. Sam was waiting for Morgan to turn up when he felt like someone grabbed his hair in a nasty way. He knows it wasn't Emily so who else could it be? Jared and Paul both felt this aswell. Sam felt his wolf growl" Someone hurt pup, threatening pup get pup and bring her home now!" Sam instantly knew it was Morgan who was hurt. He waited for her arrival and he saw how shaken up she was. He went to get her out the car for Charlie and Morgan flinched at Sam. Sam felt hurt by this and Charlie explains to Sam" I don't know what happened this morning she was fine when I left for a shower next minute I know she is very shaken up and refused to speak, her mother was gone by the time I got back downstairs. Can you try and get her to speak and see if she'll tell you what happened?" Sam nods in understanding. Sam puts his hand out for Morgan to take, she hesitantly takes it and suprises Sam with a hug and hides her face away.

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