♨️Chapter 26♨️

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The pack, the Cullens and the Volturi began to train for the big day that was coming for them. Morgan was excused from the training and had to watch on the sidelines with Marcus since he wasn't fighting either. She liked how Marcus wasn't ruthless but was actually broken as he lost his mate and he didn't smile anymore. She felt sorry for him as he was living a long life alone and had no-one to call his. Jacob wolf was staying by Morgan side as he was too cautious and protective of Morgan. Leah and Jasper worked together in training and actually suprised everyone on how well they fit together.

Paul and Emmett the two hot heads actually became close friends and put their differences aside realising that they aren't so different after all. The duo fought with each other and against Edward and Jared. They both enjoyed one another company and Morgan was proud that Paul and Emmett could work together. Jane and Seth both worked together against Embry and Alec. They were the perfect team and Alec was impressed with Seth and Embry fighting skills.

The Cullens, Pack and Volturi trained all day and night to ensure they were ready for Bella and Alice attack tomorrow. Morgan was scared but she was ready to fight for her life as she didn't want to be that scared little girl anymore. Jacob stayed by Morgan's side and Leah wolf joined them. Morgan stroked both wolves fur" just one more battle and then we can live in peace. Just hope grandad will be okay without her as we will have to tell him that she is gone." Morgan says whilst watching the training session ahead.

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