Chapter 11:Cavalry Battle

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"(Y/N):I want to show people how strong those in the other courses can be, and you'll show them, I'll just raise you into the light first."

The three gained a look of confidence at my words as we all looked towards my brother who only had Ura on his team, time to win this and show why you shouldn't underestimate a quirk at face value.

"Kenji:Who's the rider?"

"Shinso:It should be (Y/N), he'll have a better time using his fire up there."

"(Y/N):So Kenji won't be in front since I'd burn his wood."

"Kenji:I'm fine with that, to much damage and I don't know if my wood would regenerate fast enough."

"Akari:I'll go in front then."

"Shinso:No, I will, you'll have an easier time grabbing headbands from the side that way."

"Akari:And what can your quirk do then?"

"Shinso:I can control anyone who replies to something I say and they can't break out of it unless I release them."

"(Y/N):So being in the front will draw more attention to you, is everyone okay with their places?"


"Shinso:No complaints here."

"Akari:I'm good with with the side."

"(Y/N):Then we're ready."

"Akari:First, tell us what they can do."

Akari pointed to Izuku and Ura who had been joined by a girl with a lot of support items on her and pink hair.

"(Y/N):The green haired one is my brother, Izuku, he has super strength on the level All Might has but he can't control it so he won't use it at all in this match, the brown haired one is Uraraka, she can make things ignore gravity by touching them so their team will be light and faster because of that, the pink haired one isn't in my class but I guess she only has that support gear so she's a wild card right now."

Izuku walked away from his team and made a B line for, Tokoyami, that will be a problem, and it seems bird boy is with Izu.

"(Y/N):And that's Tokoyami, he has a quirk that let's him summon a thing called Dark Shadow and it is strong, but weak to light and by proxy fire, let me deal with him."

"Shinso:I'll make Izuku hold out his headband."

"Akari:I'll grab it."

"Kenji:And I'll help with the defence."

And alarm blared through the stadium signalling time was up.

"Shinso:Game time."

"Midnight:Now them, it's about time to get this started!"

Once again Present Mic's voice blared over the speakers giving commentary.

"Present Mic:After fifteen minutes to form teams and talk strategy, twelve cavalry teams are lined up on the field!"

"Aizawa:There are some interesting teams out there."

Wait Aizawa is also giving commentary, huh, didn't know that was happening.

"Present Mic:Now, raise those battle cries, it's time for U.A's bloody battle! Light the signal fire!"

Getting into our cavalry battle positions I tightened our teams headband on my head as my hair burst into flames without burning the headband, Kenji on the left fully incased himself in wood, Akari on the right raised her hair ready to grab anything that came close and Shinso in front just smiled lazily.

[Disconnected/Rewrite Being Made] The Successor (My Hero Academia X Male Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu