"That's a relief, but do you think he really bought your lie?" Faye eyed her suspiciously knowing how Lord Heather was not one to mess with. He could clearly see through all your lies.

"I think so," Kim replied quietly unsure of her answer. Her performance at the ball was really going to determine whether her father had believed her or not.

"Well at least you snuck out without me, you got into too much trouble." Faye smiled cheekily as she sat beside Kim on the couch.

"Traitor," Kim slapped her arms slightly feigning betrayal. Faye laughed away at Kim's antics knowing she was just messing around.

She had found out later that day that Kim had sneaked out with informing her. She was angry at first but since Madame Paula had swamped her with too much work, she would have barely managed.

"Mmm, what was it about the new man?" Faye questioned raising her eyebrows. She barely missed anything, her eyes always sharp to spot anything out of place.

"T-that's , I don't know about that." Kim mumbled inaudibly as she returned her eyes back to the ceiling. She avoided Faye's eyes at all costs.

"Something is fishy here, should I investigate?" A wide smile plastered on Faye's face as she stood above Kim staring down at her.

"I mistook him for somebody else," she replied quickly to escape this questioning. She was now shifting nervously on the couch wanting to dart out of the room.

"A handsome somebody!" Faye exclaimed wriggling her eyes at her enjoying this conversation.

"What! I didn't say so," Kim defended as she sat up idly glancing around her room.

"You rushed out after I described so!" Faye beamed as she sat beside her on the couch ecstatic about the matter.

"Well, you said so yourself." Kim argued raising her eyebrows now as she watched Faye play with her fingers her face lowered as she hid the small smile that threatened to show.

She however felt herself fall into the same predicament as her cheeks flared up and she stood up quickly before Faye could see it. She wasn't going to stand her teasing but she had already found her defense.

"Let's head downstairs," Kim said enthusiastically a smile forming on her lips. She was going to enjoy teasing Faye this evening.

Faye was reluctant at first but was dragged out of the room and across the hallways till they were halfway through the stairs. Kim released her grip and motioned her to continue with their walk.

Her eyes glinted with mischief as she followed behind, happy with how things were going to turn out.

"Oh, you're done with your talk? I could hear you from here." Gerald spoke once the two stepped into the living room.

"Really, were we really that loud?" Kim asked as she plopped herself on the seat beside him. Faye stood a few feet ahead transfixed at the same spot she had been once she stepped into the room.

"Aren't you going to seat, Faye?" Kim spoke amusedly as she looked at the wordy girl who was now tight lipped .

"I'll get some drinks," Faye offered silently as she dashed out of the room. A smile spread out on Kim's face glad at how things were already moving.

"Is everything okay at the palace?" Kim asked as she looked at the two men seated with her at the table. She had tried to pick up a conversation with them before Faye came back.

"It's alright, just lots of scripts to be read." Sir Collins replied and Gerald laughed at his reply. "That's because you joined recently."

Kim knew that being a scholar entitled a lot of research and reading something that Gerald enjoyed. There were tons of documents to be read and Kim knew she would just doze off were she given such a job.

"When did you join?" Kim asked, suddenly interested in the palace work. "Two months ago, I'm barely holding up." Sir Collins replied frowning a bit.

"I'm sure my brother here is helping you catch up," she said as she glanced at Gerald.

"Of course he is," Sir Collins answered thankful to her brother.

"Why are you even here when you have a lot of piled work?" Kim asked now confused.

"Am I not welcome to visit home?" Gerald furrowed at his sister.

"Well, I'm just curious." She answered hiding her laughter at how Gerald scrunched his face in what could have been a crestfallen look.

"We were given a break because of the upcoming royal ball," Sir Collins explained.

Did everything revolve around that event? Kimberly wondered already disinterested.

"Are you practicing well for the ball?" Gerald asked his sister all of a sudden as if he had remembered something very important.

"Why are you asking?" Kim questioned back not liking where this was headed.

"Father told me to ensure you were doing well with-" Kim cut him off before he could expose her weakness before his friend.

How embarrassing could it be when someone she had just met learnt that she couldn't dance, something that most maidens were already good at.

"All is well, I'm just finalizing some steps." She smiled brightly trying to convince her brother who was suspiciously eying her.

Faye stepped in a few minutes later with the supposed drinks in a small tray that she balanced in her hands. She placed the drinks on the table avoiding looking at anyone.

"What took soo long, dear Faye?" Kim asked as she slowly sipped her juice enjoying how Faye's cheeks warmed up as she shyly glanced away.

A game well played. Kim mentally applauded herself.


Another chapter is here, I hope you all enjoy reading this.

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