Mission Successful

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The crew, excluding Jean, were sitting in a pub, drinking a lot due to the spectacle they had just witnessed. After Jean fell from the sky, they moved the unconsciousness girl to a hotel room they rented out for the day, whilst they then discussed how to further their mission.

"So....that went well." Jesper started the conversation sarcastically, but he wasn't entirely wrong. They were definitely much luckier than most people who dared to cross the Fold. All of them were alive and on the other side in Kribirsk, East Ravka. One step closer to their target.

"The Little Palace Winter Fete." Arken took a swing of his whiskey as he ignored Jesper's remark.
"There's just no way he can find a way to the Sun Summoner without Nina. Especially with this ridiculous party, the place will be crawling with 2nd Army." His pessimism was met with optimism.
"We're in luck. There's a good chance we can crack on. Now that we're three days travel from the capital, the next play is finding a way inside the Little Palace. It turns out the Kribirsk Archives house the Little Palace blueprints. But...they're kept under lock and key. Far from the prying eyes of the masses." Kaz had finally joined his crew in the bar after investigating ways to progress in their mission.

In response to his boss' new information, Jesper banged the table they were seated at out of excitement, letting out a yes.
"What does that mean?" Arken questioned the energised gunslinger to which he was met with a wide grin.
"Time for a heist."


"I leave you a bullet, to remember me. Let's promise to never forget each other, Milo. But I must go now. I leave you in the care of this lovely barmaid, who needs your support here." Arken stood to the side observing Jesper bidding farewell to the goat Kaz had acquired back in West Ravka. The doctor didn't understand the man's obsession with the animal, but he had to admit it was somewhat useful.

Kaz pulled Arken aside once Jesper was done with Milo.
"I have a job for you. We need to hitch a ride east to the Little Palace. Make friends."
"But that's the hardest job." Arken whined.
"You managed to win us over, didn't you? Besides, you have Jean with you. She's awake now." Kaz left the doctor in the bar, brushing past Jean, who walked in.

After catching sight of the train Conductor, Jean jogged over, with an awkward smile on her face.

"Been a while."


"Look, there's a troupe. We can ask them if they're performing at the Winter Fete." Arken pointed out the group to the Jean, who had been wondering around the bar asking other patrons if they were attending the event.

She gave the doctor a nod as she walked with him to the performers.

"Hello kind sir, me and friend here were wondering where it is we could see you perform? Your rehearsal looks impressive." Arken flattery seemed to get the job done as the man, Marko, informed the pair that they were indeed practicing for their attendance at the Winter Fete. However, they still needed a way to get into the Little Palace, so Arken devised a plan. One Jean was not supportive of, but knew there was no other alternative at such short notice.

"Look, I'd rather not use my abilities. I don't fully understand them and what they can do to me." Jean voiced her concerns over Arken's insistence that she use her telekinesis to break the trope's acrobat's leg.

"I could rip the rope holding her up, but it's risky. I could be seen, unlike you. No one would even think someone's mind could've caused it. If you want us to get into the Little Palace quickly and easily, you should do this." Jean didn't appreciate Arken's manipulation, but regardless she let out a sigh as she focused her eyes and mind on the woman twirling in the air.

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