Welcome to the Gold Coast

Start from the beginning


"Was that Lewis?" Bella hopped onto the couch next to Cleo, who was clicking her phone shut.

"Sure was." Cleo couldn't help but smile as she talked about her boyfriend. "They're loving him over there. And he is loving the work."

"Of course they are." Rikki joined them. "He's working at a great big science place. In America." She rolled her eyes. "What more could he possibly want?"

"Thanks!" Cleo flicked Rikki on the arm as she walked past her into the kitchen.

"Aw, my bad," Rikki called after her. "You! He wants you!"

"Expert save, Rikki." Bella laughed sarcastically.

"Come on, it's not like she doesn't know he's nuts about her." Rikki flipped on the television.

"At least I'll get to see him in a couple days." Cleo chuckled. "He gets a week off, thank goodness. And the moon is up... now." Cleo walked back into the living room. She tapped her watch. "We're in for the night, ladies."

Minutes later the three girls had settled on a movie and were settling in with some warm popcorn.


After arriving at the airport and heading the hotel, Nash was still thinking about Emma... He couldn't forget her and he felt pain in his chest at the fact that he might never see her again.

The family finally got to their hotel for the next few weeks, until all of their stuff from the US would arrive.

"It's looking really awesome," Nash said to himself.

"Sure did." Said Evie. Nash's twin sister.

Only 3 minutes of pain and suffering came between Nash and Evie. Nash was the first one to come out, and he liked to annoy Evie about this every chance he could.

The group walked in through the spinning hotel door right into the lobby, and straight to the receptionist desk.

"We have a room reservation for four people, two adults, and two teenagers."

"Sure, just a sec. What is your last name?" The too-perky woman behind the desk said.

"McLaren." Nash and Evie's mother replied impatiently.

The lady gave them their keys and they went into the elevator.


"That was, without a doubt, the dumbest movie I've ever seen." Rikki threw a piece of popcorn at Bella.

"It was romantic, Rikki." Bella tossed a piece back at her.

"Exactly. Dumb." Rikki snickered.

"Oh cut it out, you two." Cleo held up two DVDs. "Which next?"

"You two choose whatever." Rikki yawned. "I'm headed to bed." She paused, smiling. "Have I mentioned lately how much I love our apartment?"

The girls had chosen this precise location for one reason and one reason only. It had no windows. Sure, it was a little dreary, but they kept it well lit. Even a little dreariness is a small price to pay to have a safe haven during the full moons. There were still odds and ends that had to be taken care of in preparation for their nights away from moonlight, but it was much simpler than using the boat shed or cafe.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." Rikki gave a mock salute before heading up the steps to her bedroom. She had a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach that she couldn't seem to shake.

Cleo watched her friend disappear up the steps before turning back to Bella with a grin on her face.

"Rikki's gone." She giggled, holding up two different DVDs. "Tom Hanks or Cary Grant?"


Rikki tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. She let out a long sigh, flipping to lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Her phone lit up from where it sat on the side table.

"Hello?" Rikki spoke quietly in case the other girls had gone to sleep already.

"I just wanted to check in on you." Zane's deep voice came through the phone. "You know... Full moon and all."

"Ah." Rikki pulled herself to sit up. "Thanks, Zane. We're all fine."

"Good." Zane's voice sounded empty and far away. "I was really just concerned about you, though. Not the others."

"I guess that's kinda sweet." Rikki shook her head slightly as she checked the time. "Zane, it's late. What are you doing awake?"

"Oh." Zane sounded embarrassed. "I've been watching the path of the moon. It's... gonna be over Mako Island in five minutes."

"You're right." Rikki nodded. "You know, it's weird. This full moon is just like every other one, but I just feel like something's going to happen."

"But you're safe?" Zane worried.

"Yes, Zane, I'm perfectly safe." Rikki said soothingly. "I'm in the bed already and I'm going to sleep. Thanks for calling."

"Rikki-" Zane spoke quickly before pausing awkwardly. "Um..."

"Yes? What is it?" Rikki slid back under the covers. "Zane?"

"I miss you." Zane's words echoed through the phone.

"Zane... I-" Rikki paused. She really didn't feel like having this conversation right now. "I miss you too." She said simply. "Goodnight Zane."

"'Night Rikki."

Rikki dropped the phone back onto the table before snuggling back under her covers. The uneasy feeling was gone and she suddenly felt very, very tired. Within minutes she was fast asleep.

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