The Power of Danger Sense

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Forest, Okinawa, 6 Hours Later

Forest, Okinawa, 6 Hours Later

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The Summer Training has begun. As everyone was now heavily focused on their own skill training, Kagari was deep within the forest of the training camp.

Once Kagari was done with his daily workout, he can be seen standing in the center of a group of tall bamboo trees with several ropes tied to them. He thinks to himself.

Kagari: (Hikage told me that Danger Sense would activate when I'm in any kind of danger. So, let's test it out.)

He kneels down to a rope that's connected to the ropes in the trees, pulls out a small pocket knife, and cuts the rope. Then, Kagari quickly gets back up and activates One for All at 15% as many small knifes begin flying out of the trees in all directions.

The goal of his training was simple. By the end of the day and using Danger Sense, he would be able to evade all of the knifes without taking any damage. He would stay out in the forest all night until he met his training quota for the day.

As he was dodging, a sharp, stabbing sensation can be felt in Kagari's head as he begins to dodge and deflect the knifes. He rolled on the ground, backflips in the air, and bends forward and backward to evade the blades. But out of nowhere, a knife flys and cuts Kagari, leaving a cut on his left arm before he could dodge. He then jumps away as he winced in pain.

He sat by a tree as he now had a slight understanding on how Danger Sense works.

Kagari: Ah. (Okay, so that stabbing sensation I just felt in my head. That must have been Danger Sense activating. So, it's more of a warning ability. Since I wasn't quick enough to dodge that knife, that means this power would revolve around my speed rather than my strength. That means, I need to be faster.)

As Kagari treated his wound, he thought back to his battle with Milgauess in the grand canyon, something happened that he was attempting to figure out.. During that fight, he was hit by a move he couldn't dodge no matter how fast or far away he was. The attack was....

 The attack was

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