Bodyguarding an Idol, Sakura Kirishima

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A/N:This is a long chapter. Get your snacks ready.

Friday Morning

Kagari was in his bed asleep until he heard is alarm clock blaring to wake him up.

Kagari: Will you shut up!

Kagari punches his alarm clock, sending it flying across the room.

Kagari: Ugh. Gotta get up. Whoever made the alarm clock is a bastard.

He was about to get up but he feels something heavy keeping him from getting up.

Kagari: Huh?

He lifts the sheets to see his childhood friend Rei was sleeping in the same bed as him. She was wearing a tight pink tanktop along with white panties. She yawns and wakes up to see Kagari wide awake.

 She yawns and wakes up to see Kagari wide awake

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Rei:Oh. Good morning, Kagi

Kagari: Rei, why are you in my bed?

Rei:Oh, you don't remember? When we got to your house, I asked if I could sleep in the same bed as you and you said I could.

Kagari: Right, okay. Let's hurry and get dressed. I don't need Mom and Yui seeing this.

Rei blushes.

Rei:You were...very warm..


Kaiwara Academy

Kagari was in his Math class with Ms. Homiko until he was called by Erica to report to the Student Council Room. It was time for his first Selectioni mission.

Kaiwara Academy, Student Council Room.

Kagari walks into the Student Council Room to get intel on his first mission.

Kagari:You want me to be Sakura Kirishima's bodyguard?

Claire: I'm told she asked for you specifically. She wants a bolstered security detail for her concert in town next weekend. Natural, considering the recent calamities.

Kagari:Okay, I'll do it. but, why did she ask for me?

Claire: She declined to provide me with that information. Listen, this job presents many dangers. Savages may still lurk around the area so we must protect our V.I.P's. Whatever the cost.

Erica:We take great pains to keep our records up to date. During our last recon we detected energy from no less than 7 Savages.

Kagari: Didn't we only fight 3 of them?

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