I stopped and stepped back to allow her to process all the memories I just installed in her.

Hayley POV:
As Klaus brought us close together, my heart skipped a beat because I thought we were going to kiss. However, instead of kissing he installed multiple memories upon me.
No, I screamed as I relived all the pain I have been through in the past couple of weeks. Open up your emotions. Why, I screamed. They fucking hurt. I don't want to relive Elena dying in my arms. She fucking sacrificed herself for me. She was forced to watch her bad actions but not be given an opportunity to learn from them. Nevertheless, I can't look at anyone in the eye knowing she died because of me. How am I a fucking tribid and wasn't able to save her. Hayley, you are new to this world. You literally were turned into a vampire through Bonnie. Add that you never mastered magic and it puts you in a comprising position to get hurt.
Elena knew the good in your heart, which is why she told you to protect her friends. She trusted you enough to know that you will be there for them. Moreover, I truly believe that she never moved on from the death of her parents. She's at peace and she would want you to be in peace as well.
I can't breath. I don't know how to. She was innocent and fell to manipulation and temptation. She did not deserve the ending she had. I simply feel so guilty I said as my magic consumed me and caused me to faint.

Third Person POV:
When Hayley fainted she entered the afterlife for seconds so she can speak to Elena.

Elena came rushing to her. Hayley, you need to leave here. It's not your time. Hayley automatically hugged Elena and said: I am so sorry. Elena responded: You have nothing to be sorry about. It was my time. And please know, I am happy here. I am with my parents and aunt Jenna. You have an amazing future stored for you. However, in order to get there you will go through a lot of trauma, pain, and nonstop obstacles. But believe me, once you get there you will be beyond happy and everything will be worth it.

I just need you to be there for my friends. They will also be confronted with multiple obstacles. Many of them might fall onto the wrong crowd. However, they are good people. They just need someone to never give up on them.

However, more than anyone I need you to take care of my little brother and Damon. Damon because I hurt beyond measure. I used him and his love for me. However, I did love him. I was covered by rage to truly get to open myself fully to him. He deserves to be happy and I see that there will be a great future in store with him with an amazing woman. Please, tell him to move on and that I wish him to be happy.

On the other hand, my brother has lost everyone. He deserves to be protected and have an older sister/mother figure. He has entered a dark phase in his life. However, he will need someone to bring him back. He has an amazing future in store for him if he takes the right path. Please help him. I know I don't owe you anything but he's all I have whose living. Also please tell him, I am happy here. That one day we will be reunited. However, that's a future away. Tell him, I need him to be happy so I can Rest In Peace. Furthermore, that once we are reunited, I want to hear all about his epic love and the wonderful moments he had.

In conclusion, please tell my friends that I love each and every single one of them. That I will be taking care of them. Moreover, that I will always be watching over them. Also please apologize to the Mikaelsons on my behalf. Can I count on you to do that for me? Yes, Hayley responded.

Be happy Hayley! I will be your guardian angel. But you also must let me go. I am happy here.

Last thing Hayley remembered as she was brought back to the mortal world was Elena's words as she kissed her forehead: Don't trust Matt. Your future daughters life and yours will depend on that.

Your life will be put through the wringer but know you will have me serving as your guide to help you.

Klaus POV:
Hayley, I yelled as she fainted. I touched her all round to check if she had any injuries. Then I felt her stop breathing. No, no, no I yelled. Our future is not supposed to end here.

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