The rain user was forced to raise her barrier called Medusa to protect herself from the sudden attack. Kyoko's fans were a gift from her grandma, made out of a special material that adapted according to the flames channeled. The brunette used lightening flames to strengthen the fan while using rain flames to counter the rain shield. Kikyo, on the other hand had released a bunch of Velociraptors on the group.

Tsuna, "Hey, Papa Born."

Reborn, "Yes Bambi?"

Tsuna smiled at him, "You look like you want to join in, we don't mind you know?"

Reborn smirked, "Is that so?"

Tsuna, "Yeah, join the party if you want just leave something for the others to play with. Enma, Hana, Lambo, Ryohei and Kyoya still have not had the proper chance to let out their frustrations."

Reborn pat his hair, "I'll leave some for them. Don't worry, Bambi. I know how to share."

Enma, "Let us join you please."

Ryohei, "We will stay out of your way."

Lambo, "Lambo - sama wants to play with dinosaurs."

Reborn grinned at them and went into the fight guns blazing. By staying close to Tsuna, his body was now starting to recover slowly by absorbing the Sky flames coming from Tsuna. Byakuran narrowed his eyes and released the anti - Arcobaleno gas again. Only to be surprised to see it was not affecting him at all.

Byakuran glared at Tsuna, "What did you do?"

Tsuna shrugged, "He is no longer a Arcobaleno so, yeah, I guess."

Byakuran, "Ghost! Get in there."

Tsuna raised an eyebrow, "A T - Rex, a wannabe mermaid, a bunch of Velociraptors and now a ghost? Compensating for something?"

Byakuran attacked him, "Shut up!"

Tsuna activated the necklace Harry had given him as a child, it would hide his flames even though he was using them. Tsuna moved and punched Byakuran right on his stomach getting an oof, from him. Mukuro meanwhile was fighting against Ghost who had turned against his own Guardian partners.

Lambo, "Lambo - sama does not understand."

Ryohei, "He killed his own partners."

Enma, "What an annoyance!"

Tsuna, "Interesting, so he is like an empty battery then. I wonder how much he can absorb actually."

Kyoko held up a stone that was warded to gather a high amount of flames, "He stole my opponent, let's test it!"

Ryohei grabbed his, "Yes, that was unextreme."

Kyoya, "Hm, want to add our flames to it too?"

Hana, "If he can safely absorb the flames, without ending up dead."

Lambo, "Lambo - sama will use pretty stone too."

Tsuna, "Flame hungry? Here you go."

Tsuna threw his Sky flame rich stone at Ghost who absorbed it into his body and Tsuna noticed his feet had become visible. Hana and Kyoko threw their stones next making his hands appeared next. When Lambo and Ryohei threw their stones in, the head and body appeared. Kyoya, Hayato and Takeshi threw their stones last making the Ghost entity flinch.

Tsuna grinned, "Oh ho! Is he reaching a limit already?"

Hana opened her bag, "I just started though."

Kyoko, "Me too! Try not to die, okay Ghost - san. That sounded so weird."

Takeshi, "Ah ha ha ha ha! It was weird to hear."

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