Another Day in The Shitty Life of Brooklyn

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I woke up, and was confused by where I was, I sat up a little bit and saw Nate still asleep on the couch. I swiftfully got up and straightened out my clothes. I finger combed my hair and washed my face at the kitchen faucet. Then, as I grabbed my skateboard and was ready to head out the door, Nate talked and it startled me to the ground.

"Where do you think your going missy?" he said, not even moving from his spot.

"Damn, how long have you been awake?" I said, getting up and walking back to the couch.

"Since you tried to slyly escape from me hugging you" he said, turning around on the couch and looking at me.

"Well, I was planning to go home and shower, y'know, unlike you guys, I actually care about my self hygene" I said, smiling at Nate. 

"We care about our hygene!"

"Please, you my friend, smell of year old moldy tomatoes and sweat, and Destery? He hasn't showered in who knows how long, and he smells of cow shit."

Nathan only laughed. Then, Destery walked out, sexy as ever, in his pajamas and his hair all messed up.

"Ugh, bros before hoes Nate" he said, giving me a fake disgusted look and pulling me into a hug. Wasn't expecting that, and damn...the boy gave amazing hugs! Like, if I could, I would hug him all day. He's stronger than he looks too. He squeezed me really tight and I just wanted to stay there forever. Like shit dude! He gives some wonderful  The greatest hugs in the world thats for sure!

"What?" he said, laughing a little bit. When I suddenly realized I had said the last thought out loud...dammit.

"Hmm?" I said, playing dumb, hopefully he would brush it off.

"The greatest hugs in the world?" he said quoting me. Then he turned to Nate "Your hoe just hugged me"

Nate replied "well, sadly, my hoe thinks you give the greatest hugs in the world."

"I dont know what you're talking about" I said and rushed out the door, hopping on my skateboard and flying down the road. I was halfway to the end of his street before Destery even opened the door. I felt kinda bad for running out on them, and I suddenly realized, my phone was laying on the kitchen counter...Ugh, right at the wrong time at the wrong place my phone decided to stay on the counter, by the sink...Shit...

I didn't want to ruin my ego, my pride, and be yelled at by a sleepy, pajama clad, sexy Destery for running out on them, or takled by a not-as-sexy-but-still-sexy, pajama clad Nathan. But ugh, I needed my phone!

I slowly turned my skateboard around and skated back to Destery's red front door. Slowly, I reached up my hand, risking my pride, and bracing for a long lecture for leaving by Destery, AND Nathan, and knocked on the door. It immediately opened, yet nobody stood behind it. Knowing that they were going to jump out and scare me or something, I rolled my skateboard into the doorway to make them think I was entering. Right as the back wheels of my skateboard passed the end of the doorway, both Destery, and Nathan jumped out from two different sides of the doorway, crashing into each other, and collapsing to the ground. 

"Ouch! Fuck!" Destery screamed, he screamed it in a really gay voice too, it was hilarious.

"God dammit! we FAILED! AGAIN!" Nathan yelled, complaining to Destery, as if to blame him for their prank failure.

"You guys are too funny! You gotta remember that my brother has pulled all these pranks wont catch me unless you speed up, think faster, think better, and think of better pranks guys. Besides I just came to get my phone which happens to be on your counter by the sink"

Destery rolled over on his back and stood up. He walked over to me and pulled me into another hug. "How about you get another one of those 'best hugs in the world'" he said, not giving me a choice as he hugged me again. I hugged him back and then tried to pull away to get my phone, but nope, Destery just kept hugging me. So I sat there, and inhaled his smell, memorized his embrace, closed my eyes and imagined that he was hugging me, and there was no Tess, and he was hugging me because of a different reason than the reason that he was hugging me. 

Once I got out of Destery's embrace, I pocketed my phone and grabbed my skateboard. 

"Well, I should leave" I said, waving at Destery and smiling at Nate. 

"Bye slut" Nate said, not even looking up from his phone, typing a text to someone probably.

"Nate, MANNERS! We all know Brookie here is not a slut, simply our hoe. Our, friend with benefits." He smirked "Hey, uh, we'll see you at that party tomarrow right?" Destery said, looking at me, and smiling. 

"The only benefit you'll be getting is my fist to your face, and my knee to your ballsack" 

"Ooh, harsh" Nate chimed in, still on his phone.

"So, are you coming to the party" Des asked again. 

"Yeah, for sure!" I said, smirking. "What kind of party is it? Like a rave?"

"Yep, dark room, bright, multicolored lights, lots of badass music, the theme is glitter, lots of glitter, like, more than Ke$ha could puke. So, wear lots of glitter!" Destery said. 

"I guess I'll see you guys tomarrow then" I said. "Text me the adress"

"Yep, and I dont know the adress, but I know where her house is, so I'll pick you up, later" Des said, smiling.

"Goodbye prostitue" Nathan yelled.

I yelled back "Prostitution is homo, but we all know you'll never stop..." I snickered and ducked out the door. 

And with that, for the second time, I skateboarded down their street. Happy, and excited for tomarrow. Everything was going to be great, I might even meet some new friends in Florida, that way the only people I know wont just be Destery and Nathan. Maybe I'd meet some of Destery's friends. I like the sound of meeting people just as weird as Destery. If there WAS anyone as weird as Destery, they would surely be at the party. Oooh! I was excited. This was going to be fun. And I had the perfect outfit to wear. 

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