Getting Arrested For Being Too Sexy Wasn't on My Agenda Today

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Bella, Love you Boo

The next day, I woke up in my own bed, under my covers, in the same clothes I fell asleep in yesterday. But something wasn't right. I didn't remember falling asleep in my bed, I remember falling asleep on the couch. Yeah, we were unpacking stuff and....wait....we were unpacking stuff! And I fell asleep!

I ran out of my bedroom, down the hall past the bathroom and into the living room, where my bookshelf was built, and all my books were on it, my blankets were folded and put on the couch, my tv was plugged in, and my rug and little pathetic dining room table were set up. Most of the boxes in my living room were gone, and my couch had me little throw pillows on it. My bags were still in the corner where I left them, but other than that Destery had basically unpacked my whole apartment. It was crazy! I remember falling asleep on the couch around 11:30 and we still had a ton more to do. Which means, Destery stayed and made my apartment look decent, and he carried me to my bed. This boy was adarably sweet. 

I ran back into my room and picked out an outfit for the day. I was planning on skateboarding to Destery's house to say thanks for helping me last night, and I needed to look not too much like I just tried to walk through a tornado. I ended up settling with a pair of ripped up skinny jeans, my red converse and a red v neck with a grey beanie and some cool red rimmed aviators. I walked into the bathroom and put on just a little bit of mascara and I straightened my hair. Now I looked kind of decent. 

I grabbed my cell phone and flipped through the contacts, realizing I forgot to add Destery's number into my phone last night. 

"Shit" I mumbled to myself and slipped my phone into my back pocket, grabbing my skateboard with the other hand and opening the door to my apartment. I locked up my new house and rode the elevator down to the main floor, where I politely walked out of the lobby and right when I got out of the complex, I tossed my skateboard on the ground and jumped, suddenly speeding down my street. I hung a left, I honestly had no clue where I was, but my gut feeling was telling me that this was the right way to go. I hung a right, and a few minutes later I was approaching a house with a huge ass U-Haul trailer in the driveway. Nobody was to be seen today though, and an unfarmiliar car was in the street in front of the house. It was a silvery 2012 Honda Civic. Looked like a car one of the richer girls of Orlando would own. 

I skated into the driveway and propped my skateboard on the side of the U-Haul. I walked up to the door and knocked three times, but the person who opened the door was not Destery, and was not Nate. Unless Nate got boob implants, extensions and slimmed down 6 sizes overnight, it was definitely not anyone I knew. Then again, I only knew 2 people. Nope, this chick was like 5'6 and she was skinny, and a readhead. She had bangs that stopped just abover her eyebrows and they were cut perfectly straight. her hair was curled and she was wearing blue wedges, jean shorts, and a blue camisole with a blue necklace.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Well hun, last time I checked Mommy told me not to talk to strangers" I said, raising my eyebrows at her and pulling on my beanie.

Then, Destery walked up behind the girl and wrapped his arms around her waist. The girl giggled a girly giggle and I almost puked. Destery was still in his pajamas which consited of a purple transformers shirt and some blue star wars pajama pants. His hair was sexily messy, and I found him extremely attractive. Like, damn boy, please, just turn your sexy level down like 4 nothces, for everyone's sake.

"Brooklyn, this is my girlfriend Tessa Monroe, Tessa, this is my friend Brooklyn" He said smiling.

I cringed at the word girlfriend.. "Nice to meet you Tessa" I said, smiling an artificial smile and holding out my hand to shake hers. She didn't offer me her hand, just gave me a once over and glared. Damn, this girl was a word that starts with a b and rhymes with witch and itch. Like, dang, we were NOT going to get along. I just knew it.

Kinda Sorta Becoming Fan (A Destery Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang