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3rd Person's POV

Shamir Hinode is a chubby girl who is in 2nd year of high school, Shamir is born in Japan and her and her father left Japan when her mother died. Shamir is now living a life as a high school student in Philippines when both her and her father got shocking news.

"Eh? Ouji-san, you need me and Shamir to come home? Nande?"Shamir's father, Katsu Hinode asked which Shamir was looking at him.

"What....? Kyoko....died? Since when?!"Katsu asked which made Shamir shocked

'Kyoko-san died....? Tohru....' Shamir thought and walked towards her caring father

"Why didn't you tell me sooner....?! What about Tohru-chan? Is she okay? Shamir wants to know"Katsu told his father which made a chuckling noise

"If you can't go with Shamir, then let her go with Kyoko-san. Kyoko-san needs and wants to see Shamir the most"Katsuya's father said while Shamir, her chubby state cried when she heard her grandfather say those words. Katsu looked at her daughter crying, he knows that Shamir and her cousin can't be separated.

"Alright, I'll file some paper works right away, ouji-san. Shamir will be on her way back to Japan"Katsu said which Shamir smiled about but continued to cry on her father's chest. The day arrived and Shamir was now back at Japan, she went straight to where her grandfather and her cousin is. She rang the doorbell and she heard her cousin's voice, Shamir smiled when her cousin opened the door.

"Who---- EH? SHA-CHAN?! W-WHEN DID YOU CAME BACK?!"her cousin asked, shocked while Shamir hugged her so tightly

"Just now of course! Tohru! I missed you!"Shamir said as her cousin hugged her back, she explained things to her and they settled in.

"Woah, I remember this hat!"Shamir excitedly looked at the blue hat that is sitting next to her aunt's picture, Kyoko Honda, Katsu Hinode's younger sister.

'Kyoko-san might be a sensitive topic so I won't mention her for now' Shamir thought as she smiled and wore the hat.

"Ah yes! I remember when you got lost because of me, you said a boy gave it you because you were crying trying to find me, Sha-chan. I wonder why you made me keep it?"Tohru asked her cousin which Shamir smiled about

"I know things will be rough on me in the Philippines so I made you keep it, and I know it's fate that I am able to live with you again!"Shamir said as Tohru smiled and hugged her cousin

"Then you should have it instead of me, hehe"Tohru said and Shamir nodded in agreement

"I wonder though, will I meet the boy who gave me the hat again...?"Shamir thought as Tohru looks at her and answered, maybe.

Shamir's POV

Ji-san told me and Tohru that the house is getting renovated so we couldn't live with our relatives. I sighed and looked at Ji-san, it was hard for him too. I just don't understand why the side of Katsuya-san is always so cruel

"It's okay, Ji-san. Me and Tohru will find a place to live in! Neh, Tohru?"I asked her as she nods while we both stood up and we pack our things, in the end, we just went to someone's estate and have a small tent. I transferred to Tohru's school last week.

"Isn't this trespassing?"I asked myself while looking at my mother's picture.

"Anyways Tohru! We need to get to school, so let's say our goodbyes to our mothers!"I said as Tohru nodded while we said goodbye to our mothers, as we walked by, we passed by a nearby house

"Woah! Tohru! Mite mite! A cute mini zodiac set!"I said and she and I smiled at it since Kyoko-san and my mother often get along with this whole thing and tell us stories.

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