Chapter 20

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You stood there for a second with your mouth slightly open. You didn't know what to do in this moment but you weren't sure what you were feeling or if you were felling anything at all. You just looked at them and they both looked at you with the same scared expression. You opened your mouth to say something but you weren't sure what to say so you closed your mouth and walked out of her room closing the door behind you. You stood there for a second with your lips pressed together then shaking your head a bit and walking into your room. A few minutes went by and you heard the front door close and Jasmine knock on your door.

"Y/n" she said softly as you got up and opened the door.

"Did he leave?" You asked.

"Yeah just now" she said playing with her fingers because she was nervous. "I'm really sorry"-

"Why are you apologizing, me and him aren't together" you said and moved over to let her in your room.

She walked in and sat on your bed. You went and sat next to her took a deep breath.

"I want to talk to you" you said looking at her. "I want to apologize for calling you a fuck up and a liar that was wrong and I shouldn't have said that. I was upset that you took the credit and I feel like that is justified"

"It is." She said quickly. "I shouldn't have taken the credit for what you did, I was wrong. I only did it because I was nervous and I wanted to look good but it was selfish. I'm sorry" she said looking down at her lap.

"It's okay but you know if you would have just told me about it I wouldn't have had a problem letting you take the credit, I was just surprised and i let my emotions get the best of me" you said as she pulled you into a hug.

"I won't do it again" she said as you hugged her back before she pulled away. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?" She asked.

You looked at her for a second. You did want to ask what happened with her and Dabi but apart of you didn't want to know.

"No not at this moment" you said and she nodded.

"Okay I'm gonna go shower" she said and you nodded with a smile.

As she got up you found yourself looking at her neck and there weren't any marks. You sighed a bit as she left your room, closing the door behind her. You laid back on your bed and you didn't know what to think. Part of you was hoping they didn't do what you think they did, but knowing Dabi, he would have sex with Jasmine just to spite you. Later that day you got a text from Shigarki telling you and Jasmine to come to the hideout. You changed into a tank top and some sweatpants and Jasmine went in jeans and a tank top. As you both walked she noticed that people were give you both weird looks. You noticed to but brushed it off for now. You both walked into the hide out and sat down in your normal spots.

She sat down next to Dabi and you sat in the back. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back when you heard familiar steps coming down the hall and stoping when they got to you.

"Y/n" Toga said.

"What's up Toga?" You asked with your eyes still closed.

"Can you teach me how to do my buns?" She asked and you opened your eyes slightly seeing she had two pigtails in already. "I got this far but then it didn't go very well" she said and you smiled.

"Sure but I'm gonna do it on my hair so you can follow along" you said and she nodded. "Jasmine do you have any hair bands?"

"Uh yeah" she said getting up and walking over to you handing you the four hair bands she had in her bag.

You thanked her and brushed through your hair and pulled it into two pigtails. You then walked her through how to do her buns step by step. She followed and you have never seen her so concentrated on something. You showed her how to put pins in her hair so it would stay in longer. When you were both done she looked in the mirror and smiled then looking back at you with a confused look.

"Why are yours bigger than mine?" She asked noticing that your buns were a bit larger.

"I just have more hair" you said with a laugh.

She smiled an nodded then going to show off her hair. You undid buns in your hair and let it fall over your shoulders. You stood up and pulled your hair to one side of your body.

"When did you get that tattoo?" Compress asked being able to see a little bit of the tattoo on your back.

"Oh uh not to long ago" you said looking back at him.

"Can I see what it is?" Toga came up and asked.

You nodded and started to pull up the back of your tank top. Jasmine looked back and admired your new tattoo on your back.

"Wow" Jasmine said making Dabi look back.

The moment he saw where and what the tattoo was he felt a lump in his throat form. The red dragon wrapping around the arrow flowed with your body perfectly and lust clouded his eyes the longer he looked. You looked back and saw him staring. You sighed and pulled your tank top back down covering up the skin that had him in a trance.

"That so pretty" Toga said.

You thanked her and the Shigarki came in. Everyone sat down and listened to what he had to say.

"Y/n I need you and Jasmine to get more info from Riftain and everyone else is going to start working on Shota Aizawa." He said and you nodded.

Jasmine followed you into the back room and you did what you do best. You got the info that he would tell you verbally and she got whatever he was leaving out. After an hour you both went out and handed then the paper of info. Shigarki nodded and took the paper reading over it.

"Y/n" he called you and you walked over to him.

"What?" You asked with a yawn.

"I need you to stay at Dabis for a few weeks" he said.

"Why?" You asked confused.

"I need you to be close by, Shota is very slick and if he manages to escape I need you both to handle it" he said and you sighed "is there an issue?"

"No, nothing at all. I'll pack a bag" you said.

On the way back to your apartment you told Jasmine she did a good job and you also told her that you had to stay a Dabis for a few weeks.

"Are you sure because you don't necessarily have to, I mean how would he know" she said sitting on your bed watching you pack.

"I don't really have a choice" you said with a laugh. "Besides I'll be fine"

She sighed and helped you pack up when you both got back. You gave her a hug and started walking to Dabis. You weren't a fan of this idea but like you said before you didn't have a choice. You walked up the rusted iron stairs and knocked on his door. You waited a second when the door opened revealing Hawks.
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