Chapter 1

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You pulled on a black hoodie and made your way out of the window of your room. You climbed down the fire escape and made your way into the city. You walked down the side walk seeing a tall man standing by the alley. He had bright blue eyes and when you both made eye contact he turned into the alley way. You pulled your hoodie on and walked down the alley seeing him climbing up the fire escape. You sighed and climbed up after him.

"Took you long enough" he said blowing smoke out of his mouth.

"Well you decided to climb up the building" you said walking over to him. "And i had to wait for Jasmine to fall asleep"

"I thought you were gonna cut her off" he said looking over at you.

"I am, I just need to figure out how" you said sitting on the edge of the building.

"You need to hurry up, she is dead weight for you, if you get caught then she will be tied up in the mess" he said putting out the cigarette.

"Good thing I don't get caught" you said shrugging your shoulders.

"And if you do, it will be your fault if she gets hurt" he said.

"How would I get caught, I never go into action with you guys, I'm on the side lines. And it's not like I have a quirk for them to identify me with" you said looking back at him. "And don't talk to me about hurting people, I'll make sure she won't"

"Yeah, right" he said sitting down.

You both sat for a little bit. You liked the city at night it was so nice to look at. It almost made you forget why you were here.

"Alright I'll be back to get you" Dabi says getting up and fixing his jacket. "You know the drill don't get involved"

"Yeah yeah, I know" you said rolling your eyes.

Dabi jumped down and then he was gone. You sighed and waited you saw the wall of blue flames appear and then you heard screams. You stood up and stretched before taking your hoodie off. You had on a black full body suit with a red chest plate. It had holes where your shoulders were for mobility. You unwrapped the red ribbon that was around your wrist and pulled half of your hair back into a bun. You pulled out your bow and arrow and waited. The cops and the pros showed up very quickly. At least your night wasn't gonna be boring. You saw Dabi and he seemed like he was all good. You eventually had eyes on the target. Pro hero Eraserhead.

You pulled back and had a perfect shot. It wasn't a shot to kill him but it was a shot to trap him. You took a deep breath and released the arrow. If cut through the air going though his scarf and pinning him to the wall that was closest to him. You shot two more quickly, one through his shirt and the other through the his pants to make sure he would stay put. You put your bow down and you saw toga from the corner of your eye. She was walking towards a women and her child. You looked over at Dabi who was just watching her. You untied the string of your bow and quickly wrapped it around the top and jumped down the building.

"Toga!" You yelled getting in front of her. "Leave her alone, she isn't doing anything let her leave with her child." You said looking dead at her.

"Get out of the way, she saw our face" toga said pulling a knife on you.

"The whole city has seen your face, she is a civilian, with a child let her leave" you said as toga kept walking towards you.

"What are you going to do about it?" Toga said a sinister smile on her face.

"Try and hurt them and you will find out" you said getting in a defensive position.

"We don't have time for this!" Dabi yelled as the sirens got louder. "Let's go!" Dabi said as he and toga took off down the nearest alley. "Longshot lets go!" Dabi said stopping and just looking at you.

When you didn't go he groaned and went down the alley. You turned and help the women and her child get to safety. Before the women could get a clear look at your face you were gone. You made sure she got to the cops and you climbed back up the building your stuff was on. The wind was blowing and you heard the fire department putting out the fire. When you got to the top of the building Dabi was waiting for you.

"What the hell was that Y/n?" he asked clearly irritated with you.

"Toga was being reckless and no one else seems to know how to put her in her place" you said putting your staff down and looking at him.

"It seems like you don't understand what your job is!" he said grabbing your shoulder and making you look at him.

"I did my job and you don't get to tell me other wise, maybe if you had Toga under control we wouldn't keep having this problem!" You raised your voice, his face only a few inches from yours. "Now if you'll excuse me" you said pushing his hand off of your shoulder.

You pulled the red ribbon out of your hair. Your hair fell down your back. Dabi just looked at your back. Your hair had a natural middle part and it was black like Dabis. You wrapped the ribbon back around your wrist, tying it and tightening it with your teeth. You pulled your hoodie back on and putting your quiver on. You both climbed down the building and walked through alleys.

"You should probably stay at my place until the morning" Dabi said walking behind you lighting a cigarette.

You just nodded already knowing where you were going. When you both got to his apartment he opened the door and you hung your quiver on a hook and took off your hoodie and hung it up as well. You walked to Dabis room and he followed. You went in his closet and grabbed a shirt throwing it on the bed. You took off your chest plate and unzipped the back of your suit. Dabi came up behind you and pulled the zipper down the rest of the way. You pulled off the top half and put on the shirt you took from Dabi. It fell to your mid thigh and you took off the rest of your suit.

You folded you suit and put it on the dresser. You grabbed a hair tie and pulled your hair up into a bun on top of your head. You flet warm hands wrap around your waist. Dabi pulled your back to his chest and put his face in your neck.

"I'm sorry for yelling" he mumbled into your neck making your face heat up.

"It's fine" you said as pulled away from him. "You can have the bed I'll sleep on the couch. I'll be gone before you wake up" you said walking out of the room.
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